Auto ReheatThis feature allows you to reheat 1 to 4 serv¬ings of precooked room temperature and refrig¬erator temperature foods without setting powerand time.Example: To reheat 2 cups of soup^ • /'Auto\(Raha3t ]Press twice.• Press until thedesired number ofservings appears inthe Display Window.2. • Press.>Cooking time^pears in theDisplay Windowand begins tocount down.startNOTES:1 .Auto Reheat can be programmed for 1 to 4servings.2.The following are the recommended food itemsand approximate weights.Foods No. ofServings~ServingSize StartingTemp.Plate of Food 3-4 12- 16oz Refrig.Meat, Poultry 1 -4 4-6 oz. ea. Refrig.Casseroles 1 -2 8 oz. Refrig.Side DishesSoups,1 -4 4-6 02. ea. Refrigor RoomSauces,Gravy1 - 2 4-6 oz. ea. Refrig,or RoomInverter Auto CookingThese are tested and pre-timed (based on thepower rating of this oven) for the quantity of foodlisted in the chart on page 11. Locale, power fluc¬tuations and personal tastes are not taken intoaccount. Should you prefer your food cooked dif¬ferently, use power and time method shown onpage 7.Example; To cook a 10 oz. Frozen Entree’■I AutoCook• Press.2. 8_J• Select the desiredcategory number usingthe number pads.3. ^fServina\K^eighl/• Press until the desiredquantity appears onthe Display Window.Start• Press.►Cooking time^pears in theDisplay Windowand begins tocount down.For best results follow theserecommendations:1 .All foods must be previously cooked.2. Foods should always be covered loosely withplastic wrap, wax paper or casserole lid.3. AII foods should have a covered stand time of3 to 5 minutes.4. DO NOT reheat bread and pastry products.Use manual power and time.5. DO NOT reheat beverages.10