Panasonic NX5 Series Instruction Manual
Also see for NX-5 series: User manual
INSTRUCTIONMANUALCompact Multi-voltage Photoelectric Sensor Power Supply Built-inNX5 SeriesMJEC-NX5 No.0097-15VThank you very much for purchasing Panasonic products.Read this Instruction Manual carefully and thoroughly for thecorrect and optimum use of this product. Kindly keep thismanual in a convenient place for quick reference.Ɣ Please refer to “user’s manual on our web site ( )´IRUPRUHGHWDLOV VSHFL¿FDWLRQDQGRSHUDWLRQHWFƔ Access method is “Download´ĺ³Model no.”Ɣ ,I\RXFRXOGQRWYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHFRQWDFWRXUVDOHVRႈFHnear your sight.WARNINGƔ Never use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection.Ɣ In case of using sensing devices for personnel protection, use productswhich meet laws and standards, such as OSHA, ANSI or IEC etc., forpersonnel protection applicable in each region or country.1 PART DESCRIPTIONStability indicator*UHHQ 1RWHL i g h t s u p u n d e r t h estable light condition orthe stable dark conditionOperation indicator5HG 1RWHLights up when the output is ON6HQVLWLYLW\DGMXVWHU 1RWHSensing range becomeslonger when turned clockwise1RWHV Not incorporated on the emitter of NX5-M10RƑ,WLVWKHSRZHULQGLFDWRUUHGOLJKWXSZKHQDSSO\LQJFXUUHQW RQWKHHPLWWHURI1;0Ƒ. 1RWLQFRUSRUDWHGRQWKHWKUXEHDPW\SHVHQVRUHPLWWHU 1RW LQFRUSRUDWHG RQ WKH HPLWWHU RI 1;05Ƒ, the emitterand receiver of 1;0Ƒ, or 1;50Ƒ.2 MOUNTINGƔ The tightening torqueVKRXOG EH 1ÂP RUless.0 OHQJWKPPscrew with washersSensor mountingEUDFNHW 2SWLRQDOM4 nuts3 WIRING DIAGRAMSInternal circuitSensor circuitWhite ······ COM.Gray·······N.C.Black······N.O.BrownBlueColor Code Supply VoltageWR9$C +10- 15 %WR9'C +10- 15 %orMulti-voltagepower supplycircuitOutput relayNote: The emitter of thru-beamtype sensor has two wiresfor the power supply (+VDQG9 RQO\4 SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENTStep3. In the dark condition, turn the sensitivity adjuster furtherclockwise until the sensor enters the “Light” state op-HUDWLRQDQGWKHQEULQJLWEDFNWRFRQ¿UPSRLQWB whereWKHVHQVRUMXVWUHWXUQVWRWKH³'DUN´VWDWHRSHUDWLRQIf the sensor does not enter the “Light” stateoperation even when the sensitivity adjuster isturned fully clockwise, the position is point B.4. The position at the middle of points Aand B is the optimum sensing position.5 CAUTIONSƔ This product has been developed / produced for industrial use.Ɣ Make sure that the power supply is OFF while wiring.Ɣ Take care that wrong wiring will damage the sensor.Ɣ Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating.Ɣ If power is supplied from a commercial switching regula-WRU HQVXUH WKDW WKH IUDPH JURXQG )* WHUPLQDO RI WKHpower supply is connected to an actual ground.Ɣ In case noise generating equipment (switching regulator, inverterPRWRUHWF LVXVHGLQWKHYLFLQLW\RIWKLVSURGXFWFRQQHFWWKHIUDPHJURXQG )* WHUPLQDORIWKHHTXLSPHQWWRDQDFWXDOJURXQGƔ 'RQRWUXQWKHZLUHVWRJHWKHUZLWKKLJKYROWDJHOLQHVRUSRZHUOLQHVRUSXWthem in the same raceway. This can cause malfunction due to induction.Ɣ 7DNHFDUHWKDWWKHVHQVRULVQRWGLUHFWO\H[SRVHGWRÀXRUHVFHQWlamp from a rapid-starter lamp, a high frequency lighting deviceRUVXQOLJKWHWFDVLWPD\DႇHFWWKHVHQVLQJSHUIRUPDQFHƔ 'RQRWXVHGXULQJWKHLQLWLDOWUDQVLHQWWLPH PV DIWHUthe power supply is switched ON.Ɣ Extension up to total 100m, (for emitter and receiver ofWKUXEHDPW\SHPHDFK LVSRVVLEOHZLWKPPRUmore conductor area cable.Ɣ W h e n c o n n e c t i n gan inductive load,VXFK DV D '& UHOD\connect a surge ab-sorber as shown inWKHULJKW¿JXUH'&UHOD\SensorCOM.Output relayN.O.N.C.Be sure toconnect asurge absorp-tion diode-+Ɣ 'RQRWXVHWKLVSURGXFWXQGHUKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHDQGKLJKKXPLG-ity for long periods of time. The detection performance may beDႇHFWHGGXHWRWKHGHWHULRUDWLRQRILQWHUQDOFRPSRQHQWVƔ This sensor is suitable for indoor use only.Ɣ Avoid dust, dirt, and steam.Ɣ Take care that the sensor does not come in direct contactwith water, oil, grease, organic solvents, such as, thinneretc., or strong acid, and alkaline.Ɣ 'RQRWXVHDQ\WKLQJWKDWSURGXFHVVLOLFRQHJDVQHDUWKHproduct.If adhered to the contact point of the output relay,contact failure may occur.Ɣ The following items are required, as conditions for use inorder to conform to CE Marking / UKCA Marking.• The output applied voltage should be the same as thesupply voltage of the sensor.• Be sure to add a short-circuit protection (a fuse or aEUHDNHU WRWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LQSXWDQGWKHRXWSXWӕৢᛟଢࣇ࣮ࣜ㟁※㺃㟁※ෆⶶ㺃ᑠᆺࣅ࣮࣒ࢭࣥࢧNX5ࢬ࣮ࣜࢩࠊࡁࡔࡓ࠸ࡆ ୖ࠸㈙࠾ࢆ〇ရࢡࣃࢼࢯࢽࢵࠊࡣࡧࡓࡢࡇ ࢆ᭩ ྲྀᢅ ㄝ᫂ࡢࡇ๓ࡢ⏝ࡈࠋࡍࡲ࠸ࡊࡈ࠺ࡀࡾ࠶ ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ⏝ࡈ࡛᪉ἲ࡞᭱㐺ࡃࡋṇࠊࡾ࡞ࡳㄞ࠾ࡃࡼࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋಖ⟶ษࡣྲྀᢅㄝ᫂᭩ࡢࡇࠊᑦƔ ヲ ࠸ ࡋෆ ᐜ ᧯ స ᪉ ἲ ࡸ ᵝ ࡞ ࠊ ࡣ ࡚ࡋ ࡲ ࡁ ࡘ 㺀ᅈࡴWebǵǤȈ ƷȦȸǶȸǺȞȋȥǢȫࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋཧ↷ࡈࢆ㺁Ɣ ᳨㺀ࠊࡣ⣴ᡭ㡰 ȀǦȳȭȸȉ㺁Ѝ㺀ೞᆔᢠ৸ࠋࡍ࡛㺁Ɣ ᘢ♫WebႠᴗᡤࡢ᭱ᐤࠊࡣሙྜ࠸࡞ࢀ࡞ぴࡈࡀࢺࢧࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃࡏࢃྜ࠸ၥ࠾࡛ࡲᜩԓƔ ࡛࠸࡞ࡋ⏝ࡣ࡚ࡋ᳨ฟ⨨ࡢேయಖㆤ⏝ࠊࡣᮏ〇ရࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃƔ ࠊࡣ᳨ฟࡿࡍ┠ⓗࢆேయಖㆤ OSHAࠊANSIࡧࡼ࠾IEC㐺ྜつ᱁ࡧࡼ࠾ἲᚊࡿࡍ㛵ேయಖㆤ⏝ࡢྛᅜࡢ➼ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ⏝ࡈࢆ〇ရࡿࡍ1 ӲᢿƷӸᆅᏳᐃ⾲♧ⅉ ⥳Ⰽ ὀᏳᐃධගࠊᏳᐃ㠀ධගⅬⅉືస⾲♧ⅉ ㉥Ⰽ ὀ 1ฟຊONⅬⅉឤᗘ࣒࣎ࣜ࢘ ὀ 3㸧ィ᪉ྥ ᅇࡍ᳨ ฟࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞ࡃ㛗ࡀ㊥㞳ὀ1 㸸NX5-M10Rࠋࢇࡏࡲ࠸࡚ࢀࡉഛࠊࡣᢞගჾࡢڧ NX5-M30ࡢڧᢞගჾࠊࡣ㟁※⾲♧ⅉ ㉥Ⰽ㏻㟁Ⅼⅉ ࡾ࡞ࠋࡍࡲὀ 㸸ࠋࢇࡏࡲ࠸࡚ࢀࡉഛࠊࡣᢞගჾࡢ㏱㐣ᆺὀ3 㸸NX5-M10RࠊᢞගჾࡢڧNX5-M30ᢞࡢڧ•ཷ ࠊගჾ NX5-RM7ڧࠋࢇࡏࡲ࠸࡚ࢀࡉഛࡣ2 ӕǓ˄ƚƔ ࠊࡣࢡࢺࣝࡅࡵ⥾0.8N㺃m࡚ࡋ௨ୗࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃM4 ࡉ㛗PPࡌࡡࢫࢭ࣒ࢭࣥࢧྲྀ㔠ල ูM4ࢼࢵࢺ3 ዓ࣮ࣜⰍࡢࢻ⥺Ⲕ㟷㟁※㹼9$&+10-15 %㹼9'C +10- 15 %ࡣࡓࡲෆ㒊ᅇ㊰ࠉᅇࠉ㊰ ⓑyyyyyyCOM.⅊yyyyyyN.C.㯮yyyyyyN.O.ࣇ࣮ࣜ㟁※ᅇ㊰ฟຊ࣮ࣜࣞὀ1 㸸㏱ 㐣 ᆺ ࡢᢞ ගჾ ࠊ ࡣ ࣇ࣮ࣜ㟁 ※ ᅇ ㊰ ( 㸩 V,9 ࠋࡍ࡛ࡳࡢ4 ᛦૢࡇज़ᡭ㡰1. ᭱ࠊࡾษࡋᅇィ᪉ྥࢆ࣒ ࢘ឤᗘ࣎ࣜࠋࡍࡲࡋᑠឤᗘ⨨2. “ධග”ィ᪉ྥࠎᚎࢆ࣒࢘ឤᗘ࣎ࣜࠊ࡛≧ែ⨨ࡿ࡞ືసࡢධගࠊࡋᅇ A☜ࢆⅬࠋࡍࡲࡋㄆA3. “㠀ධග”ィ᪉ྥࢆ࣒࢘ឤᗘ࣎ࣜࠊ࡛≧ែィ᪉ྥࡽ࡚ࡋ୍᪦ධගືసࠊࡋᅇࠊࡋᡠ“㠀ධග”⨨ࡿ࡞ືసࡢ BࢆⅬࠋࡍࡲࡋ☜ㄆືసࡢධග࡛≧ែࡓࡗษࡋᅇィ᪉ྥࡀ⨨ࡓࡗษࡋᅇࠊࡣሙྜ࠸࡞ࡽ࡞ BⅬࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞4. AⅬBࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞᭱㐺⨨ࡀ୰㛫ࡢⅬB᭱㐺⨨BA5 දॖʙƔ 㛤Ⓨ࡛┠ⓗࡿࡍ⏝ᕤᴗ⎔ቃࠊࡣᮏ〇ရ /ࠋࡍ࡛〇ရࡓࢀࡉ〇㐀Ɣ ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡗ࡞⾜࡛≧ែࡓࡗษࢆ㟁※ࡎᚲࠊࡣ㓄⥺సᴗƔ ࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞ཎᅉࡢᨾ㞀ࠊࡍࡲࡋࢆㄗ㓄⥺Ɣ ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ☜ㄆࡈࢆ㟁※ኚື࠺ࡼ࠸࡞࠼㉸ࢆᐃ᱁ࠊࡣ㟁※ධຊƔ ࡿ࡞⏝ࡈࢆ࣮ࣗࣞࢱࢠࣞࢢࢵࢳࣥࢫࡢᕷ㈍㟁※ࣛࣥࢻࢢࣇ࣮࣒ࣞ ࡢ㟁※ࡎᚲࠊࡣሙྜ (F.G.)᥋ࢆ➃Ꮚࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋᆅƔ ᶵჾࡿ࡞Ⓨ⏕※ࢬࣀ㒊࿘㎶ࡅࡾᮏ〇ရྲྀ (ࢵࢳࣥࢫ࡞ࣥࣂ࣮ࢱ࣮ࣔࢱࠊ࣮ࣗࣞࢱࢠࣞࢢ )ࠊࡣሙྜࡢ⏝ࡈࢆᶵჾࡢࣇ࣮࣒ࣞࢢࣛࣥࢻ (F.G.)ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋ᥋ᆅࡎᚲࢆ➃ᏊƔ 㧗ᅽ⥺ࡸືຊ⥺ࡢ୪⾜㓄⥺ࠊࡸྠ୍ 㓄⥺⟶ࡢ⏝ࡣ㑊ࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞ཎᅉࡢㄗືసࡿࡼㄏᑟࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡅƔ ࡢ㧗࿘ἼⅬⅉᘧࡸࢱ࣮ࢺᘧࢫࣛࣆࢵࢻࠊࡀࡍࡲࡾࡼࡶ✀㢮ࡀࡇࡍࡰཬࢆᙳ㡪᳨ฟࠊࡣගࡢ࡞ኴ㝧ගࡧࡼ࠾⺯ගⅉࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃὀពࡈ࠺ࡼ࠸࡞ࡋ┤᥋ධගࠊ࡛ࡢࡍࡲࡾ࠶Ɣ 㟁※ᢞධࡢ㐣Ώⓗ≧ែ(50ms)ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ⏝ࡈ࡚ࡅ㑊ࢆƔ ࢣ࣮ࣈࣝᘏ㛗ࠊࡣᑟయ㠃✚ 0.3mm 2࡚࣮ࣈࣝࢣࡢ௨ୖ100mࠋࡍ࡛ྍ⬟࡛ࡲ (㏱㐣ᆺࡣᢞ࣭ཷගჾྛ 100㹫㸧Ɣ ᥋ⅬฟຊDC࣮ࣜࣞ᥋ࢆㄏᑟ㈇Ⲵࡢ࡞ྑࠊࡣ ሙྜࡿࡍ⥆࣮ࢧ࡞࠺ࡼࡍ♧ᅗࢆࣈࢯ࣮ ࣂฎ⌮ࢪࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡗ࡞⾜Ɣ ࡛࠸࡞ࡋ⏝ ࡛ᒇእࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ'&࣮ࣜࣞࢧࢭࣥCOM.N.O.N.C.྾⏝ࢪ࣮ࢧࢆ࣮ࢻ࢜ࢲࡃ࡚ࢀධࡎᚲࠋ࠸ࡉࡔ-+ฟຊࣜࣞ勖Ɣ 㧗 ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡅ㑊ࡣ⏝ࡢ㛗ᮇ㛫ࡢ࡛㧗‵ୗࠋࡍࡲࡾ࠶ࡀሙྜࡍࡰཬࢆᙳ㡪᳨ฟᛶ⬟ࠊࡾࡼຎࡢෆ㒊㒊ရƔ ࡛㞺ᅖẼࡢ࡞ࢫ࢞⭉㣗ᛶࠊᡤ࠸ከࡢ࡞ࣜࢥ࣍ࠊẼࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡅ㑊ࡣ⏝ࡢƔ ࠊἜࠊỈࠊࣜ ࢝ࣝࠊ㓟࠸ᙉࡸ᭷ᶵ⁐ࡢ࡞ࣥࢼ࣮ࢩࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃὀពࡈ࠺ࡼ࠸࡞ࡽ┤᥋ࡀἜ⬡Ɣ ࡞ࡋ⏝࡛ᮏၟရ㏆ഐࡣࡢࡶࡿࡍⓎ⏕ࢆࢫ࣮࢞ࣥࢥࣜࢩ᥋ゐⰋ࡚ࡋ╔᥋Ⅼࡢฟຊ࣮ࣜࣞࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡛࠸ࠋࡍࡲࡾ࠶ࡀࡇࡿ࡞Ɣ CE࣐࣮ࣥ࢟ ࢢ /UKCA࣐࣮ࣥ࢟ ࠊ࡚ࡋ⏝᮲௳ࡢ㐺ྜࢢࠋࡍࡲࡾ࡞ᚲせࡀ㡯┠ࡢୗグ• ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋྠ㟁ᅽ㟁※㟁ᅽࢧࢭࣥࠊࡣฟຊ༳ຍ㟁ᅽ• ▷⤡ಖㆤࠊࡣฟຊࡧࡼ࠾㟁※ධຊ(࢝ࣈ࣮ࣞࡣࡓࡲࢬࣄ࣮ࣗ࡞ )ࠋ࠸ࡉࡔࡃ࡚ࡋタ⨨ࡎᚲࢆABOptimum positionBA1. Turn the sensitivity adjuster fully counterclock-wise to the minimum sensitivity position, MIN.2. In the light received condition, turn thesensitivity adjuster slowly clockwise andFRQ¿UPWKHSRLQWA where the sensor en-ters the “Light” state operation.Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.ヒパパプネチヰㄛチレㄅㄐㄎネチレㄅㄐㄎノㄔㄉㄊネチヰㄔㄌチブヘヒノベブパプネチルㄑㄏㄉㄕㄕㄑㄔホババㄊㄏㄅㄖㄔㄕㄓㄚハㄑㄏㄔㄐㄏㄊハㄐㄎバヱㄍㄆㄔㄆチㄗㄊㄔㄊㄕチㄐㄖㄓチㄘㄆㄔㄊㄕㄆチㄇㄐㄓチㄊㄏㄒㄖㄊㄓㄊㄆㄔチㄏㄅチㄐㄖㄕチㄐㄖㄓチㄔㄍㄆㄔチㄏㄆㄕㄘㄐㄓㄌハPanasonic Industry Co., Ltd. 2024モㄑㄓㄊㄍネチビパビフ PRINTED IN JAPANəɒɅɓɋȷチȬɻɈɁɐɲʀጋΉ᰷ljブヘヒノベブパプƷগ⬰ಊ⫨᭙లগઆ⫨᭙ヒパパプᨯࢄㄉㄕㄕㄑㄔホババㄊㄏㄅㄖㄔㄕㄓㄚハㄑㄏㄔㄐㄏㄊハㄐㄎバ⿋ョモɏɘȬɁཪ⒈ᭀ☐᳷ۑ⿍ヵユロ⿉パヒビパノピペフノビパブۅ͛ᆣ⫻⿉౪ᅠǽペᆣ」ヒビᆣƸヒピᆣ」ヒヘᆣドࡽᅠᅠƸ౫౫Ƹഝ᰷ΈᏡᅠȡ⭒ǞナPanasonic Industry Co., Ltd. 2024ビパビフ౫フሰ⒅ ヱンリワヵユュチリワチルモヱモワ |
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