46-E NGLISHRGB/YPBPRThis setting is valid when 750p,HDTV60, HDTV50, 525p, 625i and525i signals are being input. Selectthe setting in accordance with theinput signal.The RGB/YPBPR item is displayedwhen the RGB1 IN or RGB2 INconnector has a signal being input.VGA60/525PWhen a VGA60 or 525p RGB signalis being input, select the signal inaccordance with the input signal.BLACKBOARDSet to “ON” when PICTURE MODEis set to BLACKBOARD. (Refer topage 37.)BACK COLORThis sets the colour which isprojected onto the screen when nosignal is being input to the projector.FRONT/REARThis setting should be changed inaccordance with the projectorsetting-up method.Set to “FRONT” when using anormal reflective screen with theprojector positioned in front of thescreen, and set to “REAR” whenusing a translucent screen with theprojector positioned behind thescreen.DESK/CEILINGThis setting should be changed inaccordance with the projectorsetting-up method.Set to “DESK” when setting up theprojector on a desk or similar, andset to “CEILING” when suspendingthe projector from the ceiling usingthe ceiling bracket which is soldseparately.FAN CONTROLSet FAN CONTROL to “HIGH”,when using this projector at highelevations (above 1 400 m) only.LAMP POWERThis setting changes the lampbrightness. When set to “LOW”, theluminance of the lamp is reduced, butthe projector uses less power, andthe operating noise is also reduced.This can help to extend the lamp’soperating life. If using the projector insmall rooms where high luminance isnot required, it is recommended thatyou set the LAMP POWER to “LOW”.LAMP RUN TIMEThis setting displays the usage timefor the lamp unit which is currentlybeing used.FUNC 1This assigns a function to the FUNC1button of the remote control unit .MUTEFunctions in the same way as theMUTE function. (page 44)KEYSTONEFunctions in the same way as when“KEYSTONE” is selected from thePOSITION menu screen. (page 41)NOTE:B The lamp’s operating life variesdepending on the usageconditions (such as the LAMPPOWER setting and the numberof times the power is turned onand off).