Panasonic PT-VW431D Specifications
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4• Wireless Manager ME 6.0/5.5*9 Multifunctional Application SoftwareThe Wireless Manager ME 6.0/5.5*9 application provided with the projectorallows easy transfer*10 of data from the screen of a personal computer*11through a PC’s wireless LAN function.*12 It can be used to transfer audiofiles.*13 Screen images from multiple computers can also be projected, andMulti-Live mode allows the simultaneous projection of up to 16 computers. Thenewest Wireless Manager ME 6.0, which supports the PT-VW435N/VX505N,greatly shortens the starting time and increases the transfer speed. Thegraphical user interface (GUI) has been redesigned to make operation simplerand easier to understand. This all combines to make presentations moreflexible and effective.Easy Wireless Projection from Multiple PCs• The Optional Easy Wireless Stick (ET-UW100)Simplifies Wireless ProjectionThe ET-UW100 integrates a wirelessapplication and a wireless LAN adapter.Simply plug it into the computer’s USB portfor easy wireless projection*14 of thecomputer screen.*11 Multi-Live mode*15lets you project images from up to 16computers simultaneously.Lens Shift Moves the Image VerticallyWithout DistortionThe PT-VW431D/VW435N/VW440/VX505N/VX510 feature the Lens Shiftfunction in the vertical direction. Itmoves the image position verticallywithout distorting it.1.6x Zoom Lens Allows Flexible InstallationWhen projecting onto a 100-inch wide screen, the 1.6x zooms lens lets thePT-VW431D/ VW435N/ VW440, for example, support a wide range of projectiondistances, from 2.5 to 4.1 meters (8.2 to 13.5 feet).Wireless Projection from a Tablet or SmartphoneIn addition to the “Panasonic Wireless Projector for iOS” applicationsoftware, which allows wireless projection from an iPad, iPhone, or iPodtouch, the “Panasonic Wireless Projector for Android” application softwareis newly provided.They both let you send PowerPoint® orPDF files and images for moreengaging presentations. Bothapplications are available fordownloading free of charge —Panasonic Wireless Projector for iOSfrom the App Store, and PanasonicWireless Projector for Android fromGoogle Play.For more information about wireless function, please visit more information, please visit Display Function for Easy ProjectionUsing a USB CableBy installing the Wireless Manager ME 6.0/5.5 application in a personalcomputer in advance and connecting*17 the USB ports on the projector and thecomputer with a USB cable, Wireless Manager ME 6.0/5.5 will automaticallystart up and output computer images and sound from the projector. Multi-Livemode and other functions can also be used in the same manner as when usinga wireless connection.USB Memory Viewer for Projectionwithout a Personal ComputerJPG/BMP image files and text filesstored on a USB memory device canbe projected by simply inserting theUSB memory device into the USBport of the PT-VW435N/ VX505N/VX400NT. This makes it easy to givepresentations without having to usea computer.Four-Window Multi Styledisplays up to fourcomputer screens at a time.Projection start/stop buttonPause buttonStatus indicationOther buttons(Display projector list, Option, Minimize, Exit)Four-Window Index Styledisplays thumbnails of fourcomputer screens.16-Window Index Styledisplays thumbnails of16 computer screens.Featured image: PT-VW435N/ VX505N*9 The PT-VW435N/VX505N includes Wireless Manager ME 6.0, and the PT-VX400NT includes Wireless Manager ME 5.5. *10 DVD video, Blu-ray video and content set with DRM (Digital Rights Management)cannot be transferred. *11 Wireless Manager ME 6.0 and the ET-UW100 are supported by Windows®XP/Windows Vista®/Windows®7 and Macintosh (Mac OS X v10.6/v10.7). Wireless Manager ME 5.5 issupported by Windows®XP/Windows Vista®/Windows®7 and Macintosh (Mac OS X v10.4/v10.5/v10.6/v10.7). *12 If the computer is not equipped with a wireless LAN function, a wireless LAN card is required.In the case of Macintosh computers, only the built-in wireless LAN function is supported. Network functions such as Live mode and Multi-Live mode can also be used with a wired LAN.*13 Windows®7 and Windows Vista® computers must be logged on to using the Administrator’s account. The first time that a Windows®7 computer is used, the sound driver may require setting.*14 The ET-UW100 will not transfer audio files. *15 Multi-Live mode supports only the 16-Window Index Style. *16 Files that are saved anywhere other than these locations cannot be projected.Also, PDF files that contain animation, links, have open passwords, or have been scanned at high resolution cannot be sent. *17 The first time a USB cable is connected, a USB driver must be installed.VW435N VX505N VX400NTVW435N VX505N VX400NTVW435N VX505N VX400NTVW435N VX505N VX400NTThe new GUI makes operation more intuitive (Wireless Manager ME 6.0)ET-UW100VW330 VX400NT VX41VX400VW435NVW431D VX505NVW440 VX510VW435NVW431D VX505NVW440 VX510Smoother, more productivemeetingsSet-up is easy and multipleparticipants can bring and use theirown notebook PCs for projection.Presentations from anywherePCs can be arranged in a flexiblelayout without passing around cables.VW435N VX505N VX400NT |
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