SETUPADDING/CHANGING BRANCHING MAINTENANCE4 Change favorite mailbox4 Mailbox Number messages will be forwarded to4 Enter Mailbox No to forward messages to a specific mailbox4 Directory provides a list of Voice MailboxesSETUP• This screen provides many options to personalize yourmailbox. Some of the options will automatically be setduring first time user tutorial, but can be changed at a latertime.4 SETUP: brings you to the set up screenVOICE MAIL SETUP SCREEN—FUNCTIONS4 Password: Enter and/or change password.4 Name: Record mailbox user’s name4 Screen: Turns on call screening to identify incoming callers4 Confirm: Provides Confirmation receipt of sent voice mail.4 Distribution List: Setup and maintain personal Distribution Lists4 Branch: Allows incoming caller to “one-touch dial” to another exten-sion.4 Queue: While on a call, other incoming calls remain in “queue” or arespooled.4 Totals: When dialing into your Voice Mailbox, Totals will announcethe number of New & Old messages.4 Recycle: Deleted messages are retained up to 2 days4 FIFO/LIFO Hear messages First In First Out, or Last In First Out.Note: Asterisk (*) toggles feature on/offBRANCHING & BRANCHING MAINTENANCE• Routes incoming calls from mailbox greeting to other extensions• Up to 10 one-touch branching selections4 0-9 to setup or change one-touch dial locations and correspondingextension numbers.4 Follow system voice prompts for setup.12