6Set the unit to come on and play a CD or the radio with ALARM 1, or to sound a buzzer with ALARM 2 and ALARM 3.Preparation: Set the time. For ALARM 1, play the CD track or radio station and set the unit to the volume you want to wake up to.1 Press to select one of the alarm types you want to set (ALARM 1, 2, 3)2 Within 10 seconds, press to set the alarm time3 Press to confirmThe display returns to its original state after a confirmation tone is heard.4 Press and hold to turn the alarm on (the [DOZE] button lights)When more than 2 alarm settings are turned on, only the alarm time that willoccur first is displayed.The alarm sounds at the set time and stops automatically after an hour.ALARM 1 plays the CD track or radio station at the volume set (a buzzer sounds if youtake out the CD).ALARM 2 and 3 sound buzzers (you cannot change the volume of the buzzer).You can still play a CD or the radio after setting an alarm.PressBass: Emphasizes the bassClear: Clarifies the trebleSoft: For background musicVocal: Adds gloss to vocalsOffappears while Sound EQ is on.This stabilizes the midrange, such as vocals, and gives sound natural width and depth.Use it when listening to stereo sources. (Actual effect depends on the source.)Press and holdPress and hold again to cancel.Set the unit to switch off after a certain number of minutes.PressTo check the remaining time, press once.The CD and radio displays disappear after a few seconds. To show them again:PressPress and holdThe display switches between bright and dim each time you do this.Using the alarmsPRESET TUNING-PRESET SOUND EQ-S.VIRTUALIZER SLEEPCLOCK/ALARMALARM.CHECK-ON/OFFDOZETUNER/BAND-AUTO PRESETADJUSTPLAY MODE213DISPLAY-DIMMERDOZESOUND EQ-S.VIRTUALIZER SLEEPDISPLAY-DIMMERADJUSTCLOCK/ALARMSummer time setting ( ) Time setting ALARM 1ALARM 2ALARM 3(Original display)AMALARM 1Press and hold to change the timefaster.ADJUSTCLOCK/ALARMALARM.CHECK-ON/OFFAMALARM 1CDChecking the settingsPressDozePressThe alarm sounds again 6 minutes later.To turn the alarm offPress and holdThe settings stay the same.Press and hold again to turn on again (while playing theCD or radio for ALARM 1).To shut off the alarmPressSettings stay the same and the alarm sounds again thenext day.Other featuresALARM.CHECK-ON/OFFAMALARM 1CDDOZEALARM.CHECK-ON/OFFAMALARM 1CDSound qualitySound EqualizerSound VirtualizerSOUND EQ-S.VIRTUALIZEREQSOUND EQ-S.VIRTUALIZERSleep timerDisplayDimmerSLEEPSLEEP30 60 90 120OFFEach time you press the button:DISPLAY-DIMMERDISPLAY-DIMMERRQT7608