22.2. Basic Troubleshooting Guide for HDMI AV outputProblems Checking Points Checking Components1) Check setting of the set *This year HDMI alwaysON. No need check SetupMenu.If no resolution selectionGUI, then only checkSETUP.in Setup Menu whether theHDMI Video output isturned On2) +5V Supply to the TV IC3952 (Pin 4)3) HDMI ConnectorSolderability conditionP39014) HDMI Output TDMSsignal lines (IC3901)- Data (Pin 72, 73, 76,77, 80, 81)- Clock (Pin 10,12)L3903, L3904, L3905,L39065) HDMI Transmittercommunication lines to TV- Data, SDA (Pin 120,IC8001)- Clock, SCL (Pin121, IC8001)LB3905, R3905, Q3902,R3904LB3904, R3907, Q3903,R39066) HDMI Transmittercommunications from LSI(IC8001)RX39017) Local Port Slave Addresssetting resistorR39218) HDMI Transmitter+3. 3V SupplyLB3901, IC3901 (Pin 26,42, 47, 52, 70, 84, 100, 106,115)9) HDMI Transmitter+1.2V SupplyIC3901 (Pin 5, 26, 47, 42,55, 75, 85, 102, 109, 116,123), LB3908, IC8151 (Pin2, 4)10) HDMI Up -Con +3.3VSupplyLB390111) HDMI Pixel ClockOutput from Up -Con toHDMI TransmitterR890212) Up -Con IC I2C Dataand Clock LineRX370613) Hot -Plug Signal LB3906, R3902, R3903,Q3901, D39011) TV does not have anydisplay. Set FL displayshows U702/U70314) TDMS Output swingamplitude control resistorR390115) Host Interface ExternalInput Clock from LSI(IC8001) to Up - Con IC(IC3901) OSC27MLB870216) Video Data Lines fromLSI (IC8001) to Up-Con(IC3901)RX3707, RX3708120SA-PT750PL