OncetheHDDisoutoforder,datacannotberestored.Operationmaystopinhotorcoldenvironments.TheunitisdisabledinordertoprotecttheHDD.Donotusetheunitinlowatmosphericpressures.TheHDDmayfailifitisusedataltitudesof3000m(9800feet)orhigherabovesealevel.TransportationWhentheunitistransported,turnoffthepowerandbecarefulnottoshake,drop,orcauseimpacttotheunit.Fallingdetection[_ ] isindicatedonthescreenwhenitdetectsafallingstate(aweightlessstate).Ifthefallingstateisdetectedrepeatedly,theunitmaystoptherecordingorplaybackoperationinordertoprotecttheHDD.• HDDaccesslamp[ACCESSHDD](-)18)illuminateswhiletheHDDisbeingaccessed(initialization,recording,playback,deletingetc.). Do not performthe following operations when the lampilluminates. It may damage the HDD orcause a malfunction in the unit.Turn off the power (remove the battery)Insert and remove the USB cableExpose the unit to vibrations or shock• About disposing of or giving away this unit.(-_ 111)IMPORTANT• Carefully observe copyrightlawsWhatever you have recorded and createdcan be used for your personalentertainment only. Under copyrightlaws, other materials cannot be usedwithout obtaining permission from theholders of the copyrights.These operating instructions are designedfor use with models ( SDR-S50 ),_, _ and8VQT2L14. Pictures may be slightlydifferent from the original.• The illustrations used in these operatinginstructions show model _,however, parts of the explanation refer todifferent models.• Depending on the model, some functionsare not available.• Features may vary, so please readcarefully.• Cards that you can use withthis unitSD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Cardand SDXC Memory Card• 4 GB (or more) Memory Cards that do nothave the SDHC logo or 48 GB (or more)Memory Cards that do not have the SDXClogo are not based on SD Memory CardSpecifications.• Refer to page 23 for more details on SDcards.• Licenses• SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C,LLC.• U.S. Patent Nos. 6,836,549; 6,381,747;7,050,698; 6,516,132; and 5,583,936.This product incorporates copyrightprotection technology that is protected byU.S. patents and other intellectualproperty rights. Use of this copyrightprotection technology must be authorizedby Macrovision, and is intended for homeand other limited viewing uses only unlessotherwise authorized by Macrovision.Reverse engineering or disassembly isprohibited.• Manufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories.Dolby and the double-D symbol aretrademarks of Dolby Laboratories.• Microsoft ®, Windows ® and WindowsVista ® are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of the Microsoft Corporation inthe United States and/or other countries.• Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprintedwith permission from MicrosoftCorporation.