ContentsImportant Safety Instructions |. e Imi 4Controls and functions .....................csse hee re t arn 6BASIC FUNCTIONSGetting started > a оа лес ВАС Ae аи Shen ка ОЧЕ Таи а WERE 8PIayirig: „гром a mr šas TA E (AK КАР АА CNACRI ce din d ОО ОЛО dos ed 9Add an automatic accompaniment ................................... 10Play back the 100 Songs ........................................... 12BeatMaster Sox o d E a изо GERD SA O аа aa a V 14PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSAbout tie dIsDIay осло ne x iet ee F AAA мкв Ku tā dsk 16Part | Sounds and effectsОбийа сусамha wae duets we BEERS CRI ENE eA P LTEM 17DOO PIANC: 1. Sega ti b pe ал a alee as nae laws lak Gated tan 17SUslālītšubtssna sis tue any ere Oe V gads sor ЕВ ГОЛ eee 18TOUCH «ss ais ods Rae View Бон oe Oe ks RS ONG ео SATO PV LAS NA 18TransPOSB. оет dated $2524 О ОУ ОТ ete ГК О О О 18ае rrr PTT 19Part Il Playing the rhythmА ПУППоза a Волково ee eae Tu ur a dsk Evo ii 20SVDChIO SIBI iisu a ERREUREX ERR iet 20Tempo: ОЛСА ЛУУ ЛУ О О ООО УЛО nn ОГ ООУ 21Rhythm performance .............................................. 21Auto Play Chord сега. тан и e Societe sees Pudor oed dr OR ia В 22GRNOId.Fihdētjausrv ew до ГОО ГГ OP Оо E Roe EO DB 24One Touch: Play «seid Pas REO P RU ROO ob RR OR ACER Rn NN 25PIANO: Stylist isis cracls tos Tai ās SERIE CO ORE UE ee RS UAR A KKĀ 25Performance. Pads „ало here ere awe OW ae ao Gr RE Ea PE E RO E 26Part lll MenuOutline of the procedure ............................................ 27Setting MENUS raea vao erae a das a Ak we nae Ad РЕ Re ВАМА 28Symptoms which appear їо be signs of trouble ............................... 30Connhecltlans- x usa а eta aa NO av a ctu eds Wo ER RUN Ur iia Roh V id nee 31B Supplied accessoriesPlease check the supplied accessories.[] Music standРА [] AC adaptorа [ | SONG BOOK