– 5 –Display modeYou can select to display either a singleitem or multiple items on one screen ata time for the following features:– menu list, phonebook list, caller list,redial list, message list, and call blocklist– handset top menu icons in functionmenuThe following icons are shown when youpress down on the center of the joystick instandby mode.The display mode can be switchedtemporarily or set by programming.N Switching temporarily:You can temporarily switch the displaymode as follows by pressing the rightsoft key shown when viewing the lists orselecting menu icons:– {MULTI}: Multiple entries/all menuicons are shown on one screen at atime.– {SINGLE}: An entry/a menu icon isshown on one screen in largecharacters at a time.Note:L When “Multi items” is selected asthe display mode, you can switch thescreen to confirm the detailedinformation by pressing {SINGLE}.N By programming:You can set the unit to always show asingle item or multiple items beforehandby selecting “Single item” or “Multiitems” as the display mode setting.Select the desired setting:– “Multi items”: Multiple entries/allmenu icons are shown on one screenat a time.– “Single item”: An entry/a menuicon is shown on one screen in largecharacters at a time.The default setting is “Multi items”.1 {MENU} (center of joystick) i{#}{1}{9}{2}2 {V}/{^}: Select the desiredsetting.i {SAVE}3 {OFF}Note:L When {MULTI} or “Multi items” isselected as the display mode, youcan move screens by pushing thejoystick right or left, without scrollingdown or up through the list:– Push the joystick right to go to thenext screen.– Push the joystick left to return to theprevious screen.Listening to messages usingthe handsetListening to messages from themessage listYou can select the item to play back.1 {MENU} (center of joystick) i{#}{3}{2}{9}2 {V}/{^}: Select the desired item fromthe message list. i {PLAY}L You can erase the selectedmessage as follows: {ERASE}i {V}/{^}: “Yes” i {SELECT}3 When finished, press {OFF}.Note:L If the item has already been heard,“Q” is displayed, even if it was heardusing another handset.Icon FeatureW Caller lists Answering device# V.M. accessx Intercom" Initial setting! Customer support