White spots or shadow images (noise)● Check the position, direction, and connection of the aerial.There may be red spots, blue spots, green spots and black spots on thescreen● An image on a TV screen is created by many small groups of dots knownas pixels (which is similar to the image in a newspaper). It also naturallyfollows that higher panel resolutions contain more pixels. To create acolour image, each pixel consists of three tiny coloured dots (known assub-pixels), one each of red, green and blue. Each one of these dots isprecisely controlled by the electronics of the TV to produce the picture.Whilst Panasonic maintains the highest standards in manufacturingtechnology and processes in the construction of these panels, there are anumber of allowable pixel / subpixel failures that still allow the panel to bedefined as a good panel. It is not possible to guarantee absolutely no pixelloss.Shop appears on screen at switch on● Shop was selected in first time Auto Tuning when the TV is turned on forthe first time. Reset settings in Shipping Condition, then select Home infirst time Auto Tuning.Functions > Shipping Condition > Shipping Condition- 278 -