18TC-42LF20U / TC-47LF20U8.5. Replacement method for mainboard and jack board1. The terminal section is screwed in from the outside, soremove the screws as shown in the illustration.2. Remove 1 screw on the jack board that screws in theearth terminal which comes off from the left side of themain board. (SCR PAN+SW+W 3X8)3. Remove the 7 screws that screw the shield casing ontothe main board. (SCR PAN+SW+W 3X8)4. Remove the coupler that is connected to the main board,and then carefully remove the main board. Couplers onthe main board:K16C, KSPR, KSPL, KLVP, K16B, K16A, K8F, K72E,K72D5. Replace the main board with the replacement board.Precautions when removing and installingï The lead wire is affixed to the shield casing on the mainboard with aluminum foil tape. Re-use the shield casingwith the lead wire affixed as is.ï The gasket is affixed to both sides of the main board.The gasket is not included on the replacement board, soreplace the gasket at the same time as well.6. Remove the 4 screws that screw in the jack board.(SCR PAN+SW+W 3X8)7. Remove the couplers that is connected to the jack boardand carefully remove the jack board.Couplers on the jack board: K39H, K39G, K19F, K10E,K10D8. Replace the jack board with the replacement board.All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com