1.13. Sustain Step 4Fig. MWhen sustain pulse is stopped, Ions and Electrons areremained again as Wall voltage. However polarity of wallvoltage is reversed.1.14. Sustain Step 5Fig. NIons and Electrons which is generated by 2nd sustaindischarge are charged on the pixel wall(dielectric) around theelectrodes.1.15. Repeat Step 1 to Step 5Fig. OTo keep discharge continuously step 1 to 5 operation will berepeated.As the result sustain pulse is alternated. Therefore we call thisdrive system AC Drive type.If sustain operation is repeated longer, brightness level of thepixel is increased. Therefore depend on sustain discharge timebrightness of pixel is controlled.1.16. Sub-Field driveFig. PSub-Field drive is PDP unique system.While one TV field period, 8 bits digital video signal componentis reproduced by 8 sub-fields operation.Each Sub-Field¥s address period are all same.(Consist of oneinitialization and 768 scanning operation)But Sustain period of each Sub-Field are different.1st Sub-Field(SF) reproduce only 1 step brightness.2nd SF reproduce 2 steps brightness.Each sub-field¥s sustain period are increased gradually.However total 256 brightness difference can be reproduced onthe screen.7TH-50PHD3 / TH-50PHW3