Contents - specifications
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- safety precautions
- remove the fan
- remove the tuner unit
- Remove the D-Board
- Remove the SD-Board
- Remove the SS-Board
- Remove the stand brackets and rear mounting metals
- Remove the C6-Board
- Remove the GS-Board
- Remove the squawker speaker
- Replace the plasma panel (finished)
- Caution statement
- Location of Lead Wiring
- Lead of Wiring (1)-2
- Lead of Wiring (2)-1
- Lead of Wiring (2)-2
- Self-check Function
- Power LED Blinking timing chart
- No Power
- No Picture
- Local screen failure
- Serviceman Mode
- Memory edit mode
- Device data mode
- Adjustment Procedure
- Initialization Pulse Adjust
- Adjustment Volume Location
- Adjustment
- Sub bright adjustment
- ABL operation level adjustment
- Hotel mode
- Conductor Views
- PA-Board
- H-Board
- G and GS-Board
- GK, HC, K and S-Board
- DG-Board
- DT-Board
- D-Board
- C1-Board
- C2-Board
- C3-Board
- C4-Board
- C5-Board
- C6-Board
- SC-Board
- SU-Board
- SD-Board
- SS-Board
- SS2 and SS3-Board
- Block and Schematic Diagram
- Main Block Diagram
- P-Board Block Diagram
- P-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- P-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- P-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board (1 of 2) Block Diagram
- PA-Board (2 of 2) Block Diagram
- PA-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board Block Diagram
- H-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- G, GK, HC, K and S-Board Block Diagram
- G-Board Schematic Diagram
- GK, K, HC and S-Board Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (1 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (2 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (3 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (1 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (2 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (3 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (4 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (5 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (6 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (7 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (8 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DT and GS-Board Block Diagram
- DT-Board (1 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (2 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (3 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (4 of 7) and GS-Board Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (5 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (6 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (7 of 7) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (1 of 2) Block Diagram
- D-Board (2 of 2) Block Diagram
- D-Board (1 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (2 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (3 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (4 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (5 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (6 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (7 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (8 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- C1, C2, C5 and C6 Block Diagram
- C2, C3, C4 and C5 Board Block Diagram
- C1-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C1-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C2-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C2-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C3-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C3-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C4-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C4-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C5-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C5-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C6-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C6-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SC, SU and SD-Board Block Diagram
- SC-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SC-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SU-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SU-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SD-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SD-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SS, SS2 and SS3-Board Block Diagram
- SS-Board (1 of 2), SS2 and SS3-Board Schematic Diagram
- SS-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- Parts Location & Mechanical Replacement Parts List
- Packing Exploded Views
- Mechanical Replacement Parts List
- Electrical Replacement Parts List
15.54. C3-Board (1 of 2) Schematic DiagramAA_DUA2AA_DUB3AA_DUC2AA_DUC5AA_DUB5AA_DUA5AA_DUC4AA_DUA4AA_DUB4AA_DUA3AA_DUB2AA_DUB1AA_DUA1AA_DUC0AA_DUB0LE9AB_DUB4AB_DUC4AB_DUA5AB_DUB5AB_DUC5LE9AB_DUA4AB_DUB4AB_DUC4AB_DUA5AB_DUB5AB_DUC5PCUCLK0P_1CLK1N_1AB_DUB5AB_DUA5AB_DUC4AB_DUA4AB_DUB4AB_DUB2AB_DUB3AB_DUA3AB_DUC2AB_DUA2LE11LE9LE10AA_DUA0AA_DUA0AA_DUC0AA_DUB0AA_DUB1AA_DUC1AA_DUA1AA_DUA2AA_DUC2AA_DUB2AA_DUB3AA_DUC3AA_DUA3AA_DUB4AA_DUA4AA_DUC4AA_DUB5AA_DUC5AA_DUA5CLK0PCLK1NAA_CLRUAA_ODEU1LEUAA_PCU1AB_DUC5AB_DUC3CLK1NCLK1N_2CLK1N_1CLK0P_1CLK0P_2PCUAB_DUA4LEUCLK0PAA_ODEU1AA_CLRUAB_DUC1AB_DUB1AB_DUA1AB_DUC0AB_DUB0AB_DUA0AB_ODEU1AB_CLRUPCUAB_CLRUAB_ODEU1AB_ODEU1AB_CLRUAA_PCU1AA_DUC3AA_DUC1R733847C739416V1uZA7305K4CD01000013D7301B0HCMM000014R733347C732350V100pVDA_75VC730416V 0.1uR73352.278V_LC739316V1uR7329 47R7355EXB38V471JVR7356EXB38V471JVC3_5VC3_5VC0JBAZ002692IC7302G112 A13 A24 A35 A46 A57 A68 A79 A810 GND 11Y812Y713Y614Y515Y416Y317Y218Y119G220VccR7360EXB38V471JVC731216V0.1uD7302B0HCMM000014C3_5VC3_5VR7352100kR7330 47VDA_75VR7325 2278V_RR7359EXB38V471JVR73372.2R7327 22R7307EXB38V470JV78V_L134578910111213141516171819202122232425262728293132333435363739404142434445464748495051525354555758596061636465676856R7354EXB38V471JVZA7301K4CD01000013L7302J0JJC0000011C3_5VZA7303K4CD01000013C331234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545557585960616263646566676856C0JBAZ002692IC7303G112 A13 A24 A35 A46 A57 A68 A79 A810 GND 11Y812Y713Y614Y515Y416Y317Y218Y119G220VccZA7302K4CD01000013C3_5VR7306EXB38V470JVR7303EXB38V470JVR7357EXB38V471JVR7326 22ZA7304K4CD01000013R7332 47R7305EXB38V470JVC3_5VR7358EXB38V471JVL7301J0JJC0000011C0JBAZ002692IC7304G112 A13 A24 A35 A46 A57 A68 A79 A810 GND 11Y812Y713Y614Y515Y416Y317Y218Y119G220VccR735322kR7302EXB38V470JVC730916V0.1uR7304EXB38V470JVC731116V0.1uC7360100V0.47uC0JBAZ002692IC7301G112 A13 A24 A35 A46 A57 A68 A79 A810 GND 11Y812Y713Y614Y515Y416Y317Y218Y119G220VccR7328 22A4A6CLRGNDVDD2A5GNDNCNCVDD2VDD1FSA3GNDVDD1BLKGNDNCA5VDD2GNDVDD2A1GNDFXFDETGNDLENVDD2A6A2VDD1VDD2GNDGNDBLKFSCLRVDD1DMGNDA1VDD2NCODENCODEFXGNDVDD2VDD2A4NCNCNCVDD2FDET1GNDA3VDD2GNDGNDGNDA2GNDVDD2DMLENGNDNCNCGNDVda 75V78V_RNCNC78V_R78V_R78V_R78V_R78V_RNCVda 75VVda 75VVda 75VGNDGNDGND5V_DETGNDLEUDOUTUA[1]DOUTUC[0]P5VDOUTUA[0]DOUTUC[5]DOUTUB[1]DOUTUB[2]DOUTUC[3]CLK[1](-)GNDGNDGNDDOUTUA[3]CLK[0](+)P5VGNDDOUTUA[5]DOUTUC[2]DOUTUB[4]DOUTUC[4]DOUTUC[1]DOUTUB[0]DOUTUA[4]GNDP5VPCU1DOUTUA[2]CLRUP5VDOUTUB[5]ODEU1DOUTUB[3]78V_L78V_L78V_L78V_L78V_L78V_LNCNCGNDGNDGNDGNDNCBUFFERBUFFERBUFFERBUFFERC3-BOARD TXNC31DNTUJ (1/2)PANEL DATATODRIVER4132C2-BOARDTO(C23)84D21 75BEC63ACA9TERMSIDETERMSIDETH-58PX600UC3-Board (1 of 2) Schematic DiagramTH-58PX600U C3-Board (1 of 2) Schematic DiagramTH-58PX600U130 PreviousNext |