Description|62Device Stand-by Some device sub-systems have own power management ~capability which iscontrolled by device time-out value as follows“duringACandor batiery operation. In ordertoconserve batieryPowereach device has a time-outvalue which is specified bySETUP program.‘When the timer has expired the device goes into power downmode. In stanchby mode allavailable devices go topower downmode tominimrizethe power consumption. .-Hard diskdrive ~~ 11min, off-CD-ROM drive 21 min, off ,-Auto stand-by . 11min,2min, off-Auto Hibemation/Suspend :4 min, 16 min,offEach timers. resetbyfollowing conditions.-Hard disk drivesharddisk access-CD-ROM drive:CD-ROM access-Auto stand-by:keyboard, mouse, serial, Ir,pevalelorFDD/HDD acoess, LCD open/close-Auto HibematioSuspend‘keyboard, mouse, serial, Ir, parallelorFDD/HDD access, LCD open/closeEach device goes into normal mode by the following conditions,~Harddisk driveAutostndbyskeyboard, mouse, serial, Ir, parallelor FDD/HDD access, LCD open/close, AC in, power switchAuto Hibemation/Suspend‘power button6.3 Low Voltage Waming BATT LED istumed red, when the remaining battery capacity isapprox. 9% or less. Beeping starts atlast approx. 4% or less.The system willtrytosave allnecessary information (resumingfunction).Itispossible toresume thelast operation bypressingthe power button again after changing the battery or connectingthe AC adapter.6.4 Advanced Power Management APM Rev.1.2 issupported by BIOS.APM software interface is used by Windows 95.6.5 Battery Capacity Indicator pop up on display, When pushing Fn-key & F9-key6.6 ACPI support ACPI Vi.0's supported by BIOS.GF-4t