Panasonic TX-24E200E Operating Instructions Manual
English - 17 -General TV OperationUsing the Channel ListThe TV sorts all stored stations in the Channel List.You can edit this channel list, set favourites or setactive stations to be listed by using the Channel Listoptions.Press the OK button to open the ChannelList. You can filter the listed channels by pressing theBlue button or open the Edit Channel List menu bypressing the Green button in order to make advancedchanges in the current list.Managing the Favourite ListsYou can create four different lists of your favouritechannels. Enter the Channel List in the main menuor press the Green button while the Channel Listis displayed on the screen in order to open the EditChannel List menu. Select the desired channel on thelist. You can make multiple choices by pressing theYellow button. Then press the OK button to open theChannel Edit Options menu and select Add/RemoveFavourites option. Press the OK button again. Set thedesired list option to On. The selected channel/s willbe added to the list. In order to remove a channel orchannels from a favourite list follow the same stepsand set the desired list option to Off.You can use the Filter function in the Edit ChannelList menu to filter the channels in the Channel listpermanently according to your preferences. Using thisFilter option, you can set one of your four favourite liststo be displayed everytime the Channel list is opened.The filtering unction in the Channel list menu will onlyfilter the currently displayed Channel list in order tofind a channel and tune in to it. These changes willnot remain the next time the Channel list is opened ifyou don’t save them. To save the changes on the listpress the Red button ater filtering while the Channellist is displayed on the screen.Configuring Parental SettingsThe Parental Settings menu options can be used toprohibit users from viewing of certain programmes,channels and using of menus. These settings arelocated in the Setup>Parental menu.To display parental lock menu options, a PIN numbershould be entered. After coding the correct PINnumber, Parental Settings menu will be displayed.Menu Lock: This setting enables or disables accessto all menus or installation menus of the TV.Maturity Lock: If this option is set, TV gets the maturityinformation from the broadcast and if this maturity levelis disabled, disables access to the broadcast.Note: If the country option in the First Time Installation isset as France, Italy or Austria, Maturity Lock’s value will beset to 18 as default.Child Lock: If this option is set to ON, the TV can onlybe controlled by the remote control. In this case thecontrol buttons on the TV will not work.Set PIN: Defines a new PIN number.Default CICAM PIN: This option will appear as greyedout if no CI module is inserted into the CI slot of theTV. You can change the default PIN of the CI CAMusing this option.Note: Default PIN can be set to 0000 or 1234. If you havedefined the PIN(is requested depending on the countryselection) during the First Time Installation use the PIN thatyou have defined.Some options may not be available depending on the countryselection in the First Time Installation.Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)Some channels send information about their broadcastschedules. Press the Epg button to view theProgramme Guide menu.There are 3 different types of schedule layoutsavailable, Timeline Schedule, List Schedule andNow/Next Schedule. To switch between them followthe instructions on the bottom of the screen.Timeline ScheduleZoom (Yellow button): Press the Yellow button tosee events in a wider time interval.Filter (Blue button): Views filtering options.Highlight Genre (Subtitles button): DisplaysHighlight Genre menu. Using this feature, you cansearch the programme guide database in accordancewith the genre. Info available in the programme guidewill be searched and results matching your criteriawill be highlighted.Options (OK button): Displays event options.Event Details (Info button): Displays detailedinformation about selected events.Next/Prev Day (Programme +/- buttons): Displaysthe events of previous or next day.Search (Text button): Displays Guide Search menu.Now (Source button): Displays current event of thehighlighted channel.List Schedule(*)(*) In this layout option, only the events of the highlightedchannel will be listed.Prev. Time Slice (Red button): Displays the eventsof previous time slice.Next/Prev Day (Programme +/- buttons): Displaysthe events of previous or next day.Event Details (Info button): Displays detailedinformation about selected events.Filter (Text button): Views filtering options.Next Time Slice (Green button): Displays the eventsof next time slice.Options (OK button): Displays event options.Now/Next ScheduleOptions (OK button): Displays event options.Downloaded from |
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