ALIGNMENTSETTINGS(Thefiguresusedbelowarenominalandusedforrepresentativepurposesonly)Settings / Special features —_]Alignment Function1. Vertical amplitude3. Vertical linearityOptimum settingil4. Vert. DC.000Not to be adjusted.5. V—-Pos \V. Pos.905, Optimum setting6. Horizontal amplitude7. Horizontal position8. Text PositionH-AMPH-POS061 jOptimum settingea|___ TEXT POSITION i Optimum setting9. EW -amplitude Optimum settingta10. EW-—amplitude Optimum setting11. Trapezium—comp12. Trapezium—comp| aie4 Optimum settingOptimum setting13. Colour VCO Press either Blue or Yellow buttons to effect automaticadjustment14. Cut-off DC Cut-off DC J171 Not to be adjusted.15. Ug2 Test16. Cutoff| 006ta“Ug 2Test wie)055Select Cutoff DC in Service Mode mode and confirmthe value is 128. Select Ug 2 Test noting colour withlargest value, adjust on FBT until a colour reaches 20~ 30. Connect an oscilloscope to the cathode of thebiggest value colour, select Cutoff DC mode and adjustget Cutoff pulse voltage to 159+5V. Disconnect theoscilloscope and.adjust the screen to whichever colourreaches 50=10 first. _|034 Press the GREEN button to step through the settings.Adjust for optimum.17. White Press the GREEN button to step through the settings.Adjust for optimum.