32Steps Remarks1. Enter the Service mode.Please receive the Analog-RF.Or, please select CVBS/YUV/HDMI. (No inputting is possible.).(Forbid Analog-RF with no signal.)2. A number key [1] or [2] are operated and [WB-ADJ] is displayed.Check that the color temp is [COOL].3. A number key [0] is operated and select [METHOD 01].4. A number key [5] is operated and [INNER PATTERN] is displayed.[INNER PATTERN]5. Select [G-CUTOFF] item, using the number-key [3] or [4], and set to [80], using the volume-key [+] or [-].Also, [B-CUTOFF] and [R-CUTOFF] set to [80].6. Set [G-DRIVE] at [D0].7. Touch the signal receiver of color analyzer to the INNER PATTERN center, and adjust B drive and R driveso x, y become the [COLOR TEMP COOL] in the below table1.8. All RGB drive increase so that the maximum drive value of RGB may become [FF].([ALL-DRIVE] set to [FF].)9. Set color balance to [NORMAL] using [7] key.10. Fix G-CUTOFF, B-CUTOFF and R-CUTOFF at [80].11. Set [G-DRIVE] at [D0].12. Adjust B-DRIVE and R-DRIVE so the INNER PATTERN x, y become the [COLOR TEMP NORMAL] in thetable 1.13. All RGB drive increase so that the maximum drive value of RGB may become [FF].([ALL-DRIVE] set to [FF].)14. Set color balance to [WARM] using [7] key.15. Set Picture menu to [CINEMA] using [9] key.16. A number key [5] is operated and [INNER PATTERN] is displayed.[INNER PATTERN]17. Fix G-CUTOFF, B-CUTOFF and R-CUTOFF at [80].18. Set [G-DRIVE] at [D0].19. Adjust B-DRIVE and R-DRIVE so the INNER PATTERN x, y become the [COLOR TEMP WARM] in thetable 1.20. All RGB drive increase so that the maximum drive value of RGB may become [FF]. ([ALL-DRIVE] set to[FF].)21. Confirm [METHOD=01].Please refer table2-3 to address.22. Asking matter to execute white balance difference adjustment.Please feed back the DAC value in the adjusted each color temperature in an internal pattern.METHOD=01copy adjustments