- 145 -Multi Shot 3DThis TV can create a 3D photo using a pair of photos in the SD Card andsave it into the same SD Card.● This TV can also create a 3D photo from photos in the USB Flash Memory,but cannot save it.● This function is available with photos recorded on digital cameras.● Depending on the photos you select, they may not be suitable for creating3D photos, or creating 3D photos may not be possible. In this case, it isrecommended to take a photo (for L) and then move your camera to theright approx. 5 cm and take another photo (for R).● To view the created 3D photo with 3D effect, you need the 3D Eyewear.1. Display the option menu in the thumbnail view with OPTION2. Select Multi Shot 3D with / and press OK to access3. Select two photos for L (left) and R (right) with / / / and(red)● You can only select photos of the same recorded date and the samepixels.● You may not be able to view the created 3D photo properly if you selectphotos for L and R in reverse.4. Create the 3D photo with OK● If your selected photos are not suitable for the 3D photo, the errormessage will be displayed and you will return to the photo selectionscreen (step 3).● To save the 3D photo in the SD Card, press OK and follow the on-screen instructions.● After the photo is saved, the photo selection screen will be displayed(step 3). Select photos again to create another 3D photo or exit fromMulti Shot 3D mode.■ To enjoy the saved 3D photosSaved 3D photos are displayed in the thumbnail view. Wear the 3D Eyewearand enjoy the 3D photos.