USB HDD Recording● Advanced63Register and setup the USB HDD Device SetupAll the USB devices recognized as a mass storage device will be listed. You can only register USB HDDs.Up to 8 USB HDDs can be registered with this TV. However you can only choose one USB HDD for recording●at a time.Some USB HDD may not be registered.●Select the USB HDD for recording and start registration / setupUSB HDD Device SetupProductConnect Name ModeUSB Drive AUSB Flash DiskYesYesselectaccessFor the information of the highlighted device●Caution of USB HDD recording and playing back● USB HDD Registration and formattingOnce the USB HDD has been registered, any datarecorded to it from this TV can only be played back onthis TV. If your TV is repaired due to malfunction, anyregistered USB HDD may not be recognised.Would you like to continue?Yes Noselect “Yes”setConfirmation of USB HDD registration● USB HDD Registration and formattingTo use this device for recording, it must be registeredand formatted.All previous data will be lost.Would you like to continue?Yes Noselect “Yes”setConfirmation of USB HDD format● USB HDD Registration and formattingThis device will be formatted andall contents deleted.Are you sure?Yes Noselect “Yes”setConfirmation of USB HDD name●The name for the registered USB HDD is createdautomatically. If you want to edit the name, select “Yes”.Set characters one by one StoreUSB HDDName USB HDD 1A B C D E F G H I J K L M NU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6a b c d e f g h i j k l m nu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _O P Q R S T7 8 9 ! : #o p q r s t1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0setselect BACK/RETURNYou can set characters by using numeric buttons.● “Characters table for numeric buttons” (p. 96)USB HDD Registration and formattingYes NoName : USB HDD 1Edit name? selectsetConfirmation to enable USB HDD for recording●If the registered USB HDD for recording already exists, this confirmation screenwill be displayed to switch to enable this USB HDD for recording.USB HDD Registration and formattingYes NoDo you want to enable this device for recording?When disconnecting any USB device,always use the “Safely Remove USB” functionin the USB HDD Device Setup menu to avoidany corruption of recorded content.USB HDD 1USB HDD Device SetupProductConnect NameUSB Drive AUSB Flash DiskYesYesMode: The USB HDD is registered and available for recording / playingback if the connection status is “Yes”.Only one registered USB HDD on the list can be available forrecording.: The USB HDD is registered and available for playing back if theconnection status is “Yes”.Name is displayed if the registration is completedConnection status (Yes: connected / No: not connected)To remove the USB HDD safely from the TV, ensure the status is“No” before removing.To change the status● yellowYou can also remove the USB HDD safely from Media Player● “Remove the USB devices safely” (p. 67)To unregister the registered USB HDD■ Once you unregister the USB HDD, it will not be possible to playback any of the recorded content on any TV.●Select the USB HDD UnregisterredThe confirmation screen will be displayed twice.●Select “Yes” to unregister.