2The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, us-age, service or repair of any Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem. Manufacturers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the fol-lowing safety information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these guide-lines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to comply with these precautionsviolates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of the product. Panasonicassumes no liability for customer failure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the useof mobiles. Switch Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in sensi-tive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF energy.The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment andhearing aids can be affected by interference from Personal Computer or HandheldComputer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem placed close to the device. Ifin doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or the manufacturer of thedevice to verify that the equipment is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients areadvised to keep their Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporatingGSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem away from the pacemaker, while it is on.Switch off Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRSmodem before boarding an aircraft. Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently.The operation of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interferencewith communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to thesuspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or both.Do not operate Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Switch off thecellular terminal when you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants orwhere blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any electrical equipmentin potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.Your Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRSmodem receives and transmits radio frequency energy while switched on. Rememberthat interference can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, computers or inad-equately shielded equipment. Follow any special regulations and always switch offPersonal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modemwherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause interference or danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use a Personal Computer or Handheld Computerincorporating GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem while driving a vehicle. Do not place thecomputer with GSM/GPRS/EGPRS modem in an area where it could cause personalinjury to the driver or passengers. It is recommended to stow the unit in the boot orsecure stowage area while driving.Safety PrecautionsPrecautions