7Note for the battery symbol (bottomtwo symbol examples):This symbol might be used incombination with a chemical symbol.In this case it complies with therequirement set by the Directive for thechemical involved.53-E-1Safety Precautions forwireless WANThe following safety precautions must be observedduring all phases of the operation, usage, serviceor repair of any Computer incorporating wirelessWAN modem. Manufacturers of the cellularterminal are advised to convey the following safetyinformation to users and operating personnel andto incorporate these guidelines into all manualssupplied with the product. Failure to comply withthese precautions violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture and intended use of theproduct. Panasonic assumes no liability forcustomer failure to comply with these precautions.When in a hospital or other health carefacility, observe the restrictions onthe use of mobiles. Switch Computerincorporating wireless WAN modem off,if instructed to do so by the guidelinesposted in sensitive areas. Medicalequipment may be sensitive to RFenergy.The operation of cardiac pacemakers,other implanted medical equipmentand hearing aids can be affectedby interference from Computerincorporating wireless WAN modemplaced close to the device. If in doubtabout potential danger, contact thephysician or the manufacturer of thedevice to verify that the equipment isproperly shielded. Pacemaker patientsare advised to keep their Computerincorporating wireless WAN modemaway from the pacemaker, while it is on.Switch off Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem before boardingan aircraft. Make sure it cannot beswitched on inadvertently. The operationof wireless appliances in an aircraft isforbidden to prevent interference withcommunications systems. Failure toobserve these instructions may leadto the suspension or denial of cellularservices to the offender, legal action, orboth. For details on usage of this unitin aircrafts please consult and followinstruction provided by the airline.Do not operate Personal Computeror Handheld Computer incorporatingwireless WAN modem in the presenceof flammable gases or fumes. Switch offthe cellular terminal when you are nearpetrol stations, fuel depots, chemicalplants or where blasting operations arein progress. Operation of any electricalequipment in potentially explosiveatmospheres can constitute a safetyhazard.Your Computer incorporating wirelessWAN modem receives and transmitsradio frequency energy while switchedon. Remember that interference canoccur if it is used close to TV sets,radios, computers or inadequatelyshielded equipment. Follow anyspecial regulations and always switchoff Computer incorporating wirelessWAN modem wherever forbidden, orwhen you suspect that it may causeinterference or danger.Road safety comes first! Do not use aComputer incorporating wireless WANmodem while driving a vehicle. Donot place the computer with wirelessWAN modem in an area where it couldcause personal injury to the driver orpassengers. It is recommended to stowthe unit in the boot or secure stowagearea while driving. Do not place thecomputer with wireless WAN modemin an area over an air bag or in thevicinity where an air bag may deploy. Airbags inflate with great force and if thecomputer with wireless WAN modem isplaced in the air bag deployment areamay be propelled with great force andcause serious injury to occupants of thevehicle.IMPORTANT!Computer incorporating wireless WANmodem operate using radio signalsand cellular networks cannot beguaranteed to connect in all conditions.Therefore, you should never relysolely upon any wireless device foressential communications, for exampleRead Me First