2Read Me FirstSafety PrecautionsTo reduce the risk of injury, loss of life, elec-tric shock, fire, malfunction, and damage toequipment or property, always observe thefollowing safety precautions.Explanation of symbol word panelsThe following symbol word panels are usedto classify and describe the level of hazard,injury, and property damage caused when thedenotation is disregarded and improper use isperformed.DANGERDenotes a potential hazard that will result inserious injury or death.WARNINGDenotes a potential hazard that could resultin serious injury or death.CAUTIONDenotes a hazard that could result in minorinjury.NOTICEDenotes a hazard that could result in prop-erty damage.The following symbols are used to classifyand describe the type of instructions to beobserved.These symbols are used to alert usersto a specific operating procedure thatmust not be performed.This symbol is used to alert users toa specific operating procedure thatmust be followed in order to operatethe unit safety.DANGERPrecautions on the Battery PackDo Not Throw the Battery Pack intoa Fire or Expose It to Excessive HeatGeneration of heat, ignition or rupturemay result.Do Not Insert Sharp Objects Intothe Battery Pack, Disassemble, orModify ItElectrolyte leakage, generation of heat,ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Short the Positive (+) andNegative (-) ContactsGeneration of heat, ignition or rupturemay result.• Do not place the battery pack to-gether with articles such as neck-laces or hairpins when carrying orstoring.Avoid Extreme Heat (Near the Fire,in Direct Sunlight, for Example)Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat,ignition or rupture may result.Do Not Apply Shocks to the Prod-uct by Dropping It, Applying StrongPressure to It, etc.Electrolyte leakage, generation of heat,ignition or rupture of the battery mayresult.• If this product is subjected to astrong impact, damaged or de-formed, stop using it immediately.Do Not Charge the Battery UsingMethods Other Than Those Speci-fiedIf the battery is not charged using oneof the specified methods, electrolyteleakage, generation of heat, ignition orrupture may result.When the Battery Pack Has Deterio-rated, Replace It With a New OneContinued use of a damaged batterypack may result in heat generation,ignition or battery rupture.