Trouble Shooting Power LED Blink TroubleLED 10 times blink < 500 series (TH-37/42/50PV500E,B) >Trouble Mode and Defective BoardTrouble Mode Defective Board (Possibility)Tuner Power SOS PA, P, other Boards ( PA, P > other Boards)How to find the defective boardWhen Power SW ON,DC14V output No(14VNG)at PA1 0's (or PI 0’s) 1 or 2 or 3 pinbefore Shutdown ?Yes (MAIN or SUB Voltage NG)Disconnect PA10...Power SW ON.'DC14V output at PIO’s 1 or 2 or 3 pin'Before Shutdown ?~~~^Yes|PA BoardNo>~Hp Board |Disconnect PA30 or H30. Power SW ON,Power comes up ?Yes(H or TA or Z or GS NG)XV(*1) orDV NG)No Connect PA30-H30.. (PA or DG ori nw^^^^ i ^Remove DV Board.1After Power SW ON,Power comes up ?TvesNo>-|PV500B|»' 1Remove DG board.DG20’s following pins(*2)-|Short with GND ?NoYes|DV Board]Connect PA30-H30. n 0Remove XV and DV Board.After Power SW ON,Power comes up ?^Yes (XV or DV NG)Remove DV Board.Install XV Board.After Power SW ON,Power comes up ?DG Board PA Board<^aNoDV Boardl |XV BoardNoRemove TA board. I>IUDisconnect H52. Power SW ON, >iH —Z or » Power SW ON,Power comes up ? ^ Power comes up ?'y'cs ^esNo(H or ZNG)Disconnect H50 or Z50. Power SW ON, 5Power comes up ?~ YesNoTA Board GS BoardO'-/! I 1^0 U)_i|Z Boardl H Board(*1) XV board : PE500V only(*2) Check DG20’s Pin NumberPin No. Voltage (Normal Condition)7 MAIN5V9 SUB5V15 MAIN9V17 SUB9V18 SUB9V22 MAIN3.3V23 MAIN3.3V PreviousNext |