46 VQT3P31IMPORTANT MESSAGES AND ALERTSABOUT COPYRIGHTk Carefully observe copyright lawsWhatever you have recorded and created can be used for your personalentertainment only. Under copyright laws, other materials cannot beused without obtaining permission from the holders of the copyrights.It is forbidden to copy the software accompanying this unit, or to reproduce iton a network, without permission.k Licensesi SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.i HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface aretrademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the UnitedStates and other countries.i Microsoft® , Windows ® and Windows Vista ® are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries.i Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from MicrosoftCorporation.i IBM and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International BusinessMachines Corporation of the U.S.i Intel ®, Core™ , Pentium ® and Celeron® are the registered trademarks ortrademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.i AMD Athlon ™ is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.i iMovie and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. andother countries.i PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.i Other names of systems and products mentioned in these instructions areusually the registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers whodeveloped the system or product concerned.This product is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license for thepersonal and non-commercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video incompliance with the AVC Standard (“AVC Video”) and/or (ii) decode AVCVideo that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed toprovide AVC Video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any otheruse. Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC.See http://www.mpegla.com.