14 15ViewingF.P.MULTIWINDOWredgreenViewing TeletextYou can enjoy news, weather forecasts and subtitles, etc. (depending on the broadcaster)FULL /TOP /BOTTOMRevealhiddendata(TOP) (BOTTOM) Normal (FULL)• Re-hide redReveal hidden words e.g. quiz page answers• Viewing TeletextSwitch to TeletextSelect the page■ To adjust contrast<< 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 >>TELETEXTINFORMATION17:51 28 Feb• Displays theindex page(content variesdepending on thebroadcasters)or or(Corresponds to the colour bar)red green yellow blue(Press twice)■ Using teletextWhat is FASTEXT mode (default)?In FASTEXT mode, four differently coloured subjects are situated at the bottom of the screen. To access moreinformation about one of these subjects, press the appropriately coloured button. This facility enables fast access toinformation on the subjects shown.What is List mode?In List mode, four differently coloured page numbers are situated at the bottom of the screen. Each of thesenumbers can be altered and stored in the TV’s memory. ("Store frequently viewed pages", p. 15)■ To change mode "Teletext" in Setup menu (p. 20)Time / dateCurrentpagenumberSub page numberColour barAs the blue bar is displayed(Expand the BOTTOM half)■ To return to TVStorefrequentlyviewedpagesView inmultiwindowHOLDCall up afavouritepagesWatchTV whilewaitingfor updateIf you wish to hold the current page without updatingStop automatic updatingP108yellow yellowAppearswhenupdating iscompleted(You cannot change the channel.)Teletext automatically updates itself when new information becomes available.• The news page provides a function that indicates arrival of latest news ("News Flash").Changes to TV screen temporarilyView theupdatedpageMULTIWINDOWWatch TV and Teletext in two windows at once• Operations can be made only in Teletext screen.INDEXView subpageF.P.• Call up the page stored in "blue".• Factory setting is "P888" (subtitle service) on blue button.View favourite page by pressing F.P. button• FASTEXT mode onlyReturn to the main index pageEnter the4-digit numberexample: P6Appears at top of thescreen■ To view specific sub page• Sub pages:The number of sub pages varies depending on the broadcasters (up to 79 pages).It may take some time for searching, during which time you can watch TV.Store frequently viewed pages(only on fi rst 25 channels on Programme Guide)in the colour bar(List mode only)pressandholdAs page isdisplayedThe number changes to white.Correspondingcolour button• If you wish to useSubtitles, do notchange number onblue button.■ To change stored pagespressandholdEnter new page number■ To resumeColour button youwant to changeView sub page (Only when teletext is more than one page)View theTV picture while searching for a teletext pageblue12 updown