98Technical InformationCharacters table for numeric buttonsYou can enter characters by using numeric buttons for free input items.Press the numeric button repeatedly until you reach the desired character.User inputNameA B C D E F G H I J K L M NU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6a b c d e f g h i j k l m nu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _O P Q R S T7 8 9 ! : #o p q r s t1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0abc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzThe character is set automatically if you do not press the button for●one second.You can also set the character by pressing the OK button or●other numeric buttons within one second.Characters table:The number oftimes to pressNumericbuttons1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 1 ! : # + - * _ ( )abc a b c 2 A B Cdef d e f 3 D E Fghi g h i 4 G H Ijkl j k l 5 J K Lmno m n o 6 M N Opqrs p q r s 7 P Q R Stuv t u v 8 T U Vwxyz w x y z 9 W X Y ZSpace 0SCART and HDMI terminal informationAV1■ SCART terminal(RGB, VIDEO, Q-Link)Suitable inputs for AV1 include RGB (Red / Green / Blue).AV2■ SCART terminal(RGB, VIDEO, S-VIDEO, Q-Link)AV2 - Pins 15 and 20 are dependent on AV2 S-VHS / VIDEOswitching.Socket Earth 21CVBS out (video) 19CVBS earth 17Red in 15Red earth 13Green in 11Green earth 9Blue in 7Blue earth 5Audio out (L) 3Audio out (R) 120 CVBS in (video)18 RGB status earth16 Status RGB14 Earth12 --10 Q-Link data8 Status CVBS6 Audio in (L)4 Audio earth2 Audio in (R)Socket Earth 21CVBS out (video) 19CVBS earth 17Red in, S.C. - in 15Red earth 13Green in 11Green earth 9Blue in 7Blue earth 5Audio out (L) 3Audio out (R) 120 CVBS in (video)18 RGB status earth16 Status RGB14 Earth12 --10 Q-Link data8 Status CVBS6 Audio in (L)4 Audio earth2 Audio in (R)HDMI■ terminalHot Plug Detect 19DDC/CEC Ground 17SCL 15CEC 13TMDS Clock Shield 11TMDS Data0− 9TMDS Data0+ 7TMDS Data1 Shield 5TMDS Data2− 3TMDS Data2+ 118 +5V Power16 SDA14 Reserved(in cable but N.C. on device)12 TMDS Clock−10 TMDS Clock+8 TMDS Data0 Shield6 TMDS Data1−4 TMDS Data1+2 TMDS Data2 Shield