3. MonochromePress the MONO Button (34). A black and white imagecan be obtained.4. PaintPress the PAINT Button (36). An oil-paint touchimage can be obtained. The graduation level ofthe simulated paint can be changed continuously byadjusting corresponding LEVEL Control (35).Note:The Still mode and Compression mode can notbe used during the Strobe mode. In this casethe Strobe mode turn off automatically, and theCompression mode is temporarily disabled.7. MultiPress the MULTI Button (40). The video image on themonitor TV changes to display multiple video images.When you press it once, 4 images are displayed. Thesecond time makes it 9 images and the third pressmakes it 16 images. A fourth press of the MULTI Button(40) returns the screen to its normal single image.The display interval for multiple video image can bechanged by the TIME Control (39) from approximately0.07 seconds to 2.1 seconds.5. StillPress the STILL Button (37). An instant or frozen imageat any point in the selected video input will be obtained.Live StillNotes:1. The Trail mode can be performed when the Stillmode is under operation. The LED on Still Buttonblinks during Trail mode.2. The Strobe mode, Multi mode and Compressionmode can not be used when the Still mode isunder operation. The Still mode becomes offautomatically. Note:Each of the multiple video images scans eitherone time through the multiple image series orrepeatedly (ie. cycling through the screens untildisables) by selecting of the ONCE Button (55) orthe REPEAT Button (54).6. StrobePress the STROBE Button (38). A Stroboscopic imagelike a series of still images is played in slow motion atvariable 003 to 2.1 second intervals. The interval canbe adjusted by the TIME Control (39).8. TrailPress the TRAIL Button (41). The displayed compressedvideo image successively trails one after another fromsmall to larger and larger video images up to a maximumof 16 images. The trail time interval can be changed bythe TIME Control (39) from approximately 0.07 secondsto 2.1 seconds.-21 -