9Action at an Alarm OccurrenceThe alarm action will be performed when the following alarm occur.Alarm typeTerminal alarm: When connecting an alarm device such as a sensor to the connector terminal (Alarm InputNo. 1 to 4) on the rear of the unit, the alarm action (unit action at an alarm occurrence) will be performedwhen the connected alarm device is activated. Alarm action to be performed differs depending on the settingsconfigured on the [Alarm] tab. ( page 41)Camera site alarm: When a camera connected to a VIDEO IN connector detects an alarm by alarm sensors orcameras' motion detectors, etc., and the unit receives the alarm input signal from the camera, the alarmaction will be performed. ( page 41)Video loss: When the loss of video input signals is detected due to coaxial cable disconnections or camera trou-bles, the alarm action will be performed. ( page 41)Command alarm: When a Panasonic alarm protocol is received from the connected device via a network, thealarm action will be performed. ( page 41)AVMD (Advanced Video Motion Detector): When a person is detected in the image from a camera connectedto a VIDEO IN connector, the alarm action will be performed. ( page 40)Action at an Alarm OccurrenceDisplay the alarm occurrence indication button on the "Live" page ( page 5).The alarm occurrence indication button will be displayed on the "Live" page at an alarm occurrence.Note:The alarm occurrence indication button will be refreshed in 30 seconds intervals. For this reason, it may take amaximum of 30 seconds until the alarm occurrence indication button is displayed on the "Live" page at an alarmoccurrence.Notify of alarm occurrences to the device connected to the alarm connectorIt is possible to output signals from the alarm connector on the rear of the unit and sound the buzzer when an alarmoccurs. The settings for the alarm output can be configured on the [Alarm] tab of the "Alarm setup" page.( page 43)Transmit an image onto a server automaticallyAn alarm image can be transmitted at an alarm occurrence to the server designated in advance. The settingsrequired to transmit an alarm image to a server can be configured in the "Alarm image setup" section of the [Alarm]tab of the "Alarm setup" page ( page 42) and the [FTP] tab of the "Server setup" page ( page 49).Notify of alarm occurrences by e-mailAlarm mail (alarm occurrence notification) can be sent at an alarm occurrence to the e-mail addresses registered inadvance. Up to 4 addresses can be registered as recipients of the alarm mail. The settings for alarm mail can beconfigured in the "E-mail notification setup" section of the [Notification] tab of the "Alarm setup" page ( page 44)and the [Mail] tab of the "Server setup" page ( page 48).Notify of alarm occurrences to the designated IP addresses (Panasonic alarm protocol)This function is available only when Panasonic device, such as the network disk recorder, is connected to the sys-tem. When "ON" is selected for "Panasonic alarm protocol", the connected Panasonic device will be notified that theunit is in the alarm state. The settings for Panasonic alarm protocol can be configured on the [Notification] tab of the"Alarm setup" page. ( page 44)