Contents - specifications
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Applicable signals
- Prevention of Electro Static Discharge (ESD) to
- About lead free solder (PbF
- Service Hint
- Plasma panel replacement method
- Remove the PA-Board
- Remove the DG-Board
- Remove the D-Board
- Remove the SS2-Board
- Remove the C2-Board
- Remove the C4-Board
- Remove the G-Board, GK-Board and GS-Board
- Remove the K-Board
- Caution statement
- Location of Lead Wiring
- Self-check Function
- Power LED Blinking timing chart
- No Power
- No Picture
- Local screen failure
- Serviceman Mode
- Memory edit mode
- Device data mode
- Adjustment Procedure
- Initialization Pulse Adjust
- Adjustment Volume Location
- Adjustment
- Sub bright adjustment
- ABL operation level adjustment
- Hotel mode
- Conductor Views
- PA-Board
- H-Board
- G and GS-Board
- GK, HC, K and S-Board
- DG-Board
- DT-Board
- D-Board
- C1-Board
- C2-Board
- C3-Board
- C4-Board
- C5-Board
- C6-Board
- SC-Board
- SU-Board
- SD-Board
- SS-Board
- SS2 and SS3-Board
- Schematic and Block Diagram
- Main Block Diagram
- P-Board Block Diagram
- P-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- P-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- P-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board Block Diagram
- PA-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- PA-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board Block Diagram
- H-Board (1 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board (2 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- H-Board (3 of 3) Schematic Diagram
- G, GK, HC, K and S-Board Block Diagram
- G-Board Schematic Diagram
- GK, K, HC and S-Board Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (1 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (2 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (3 of 3) Block Diagram
- DG-Board (1 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (2 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (3 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (4 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (5 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (6 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (7 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DG-Board (8 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- DT and GS-Board Block Diagram
- DT-Board (1 of 6) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (2 of 6) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (3 of 6) and GS-Board Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (4 of 6) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (5 of 6) Schematic Diagram
- DT-Board (6 of 6) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (1 of 2) Block Diagram
- D-Board (2 of 2) Block Diagram
- D-Board (1 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (2 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (3 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (4 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (5 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (6 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (7 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- D-Board (8 of 8) Schematic Diagram
- C1, C2, C5 and C6 Block Diagram
- C2, C3, C4 and C5 Board Block Diagram
- C1-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C1-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C2-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C2-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C3-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C3-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C4-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C4-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C5-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C5-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C6-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- C6-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SC, SU and SD-Board Block Diagram
- SC-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SC-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SU-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SU-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SD-Board (1 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SD-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- SS, SS2 and SS3-Board Block Diagram
- SS-Board (1 of 2), SS2 and SS3-Board Schematic Diagram
- SS-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram
- Parts Location & Mechanical Replacement Parts List
- Packing Exploded Views
- Electrical Replacement Parts List
- mechanical replacement parts list
15.69. SS-Board (2 of 2) Schematic Diagram++++++++DRV_SOS2DSHLDMHLDSLLDMLLDMHR80V82V85V15VR630710kC639325V1uC630225V4.7uIC6316M81709FP-DB0J1LO2GND3VCC4NC5NC6VS7VB8HO9NC10NC11NC12HIN13NC14LIN15GND16NCC630625V220uR6372270L6357G0CR60KA0118D6305B0HCMM000014C639050V0.01uD6304D1FL40R633510kR639510.7kR6357100R63939.1kR635947kR63475.6 L6347J0JJC0000011L6311G0CR60KA0118R630322R633647R6324150123456789101112C631925V4.7uR6389100R63101D6338D1FL40ZA6001K4CD01000011C0JBAZ000005IC63611G~12 1A13 2Y44 1A25 2Y36 1A37 2Y28 1A49 2Y110 GND 112A1121Y4132A2141Y3152A3161Y2172A4181Y1192G~20VCCR6311150R631822R635310kR6312150C638950V0.01uR630610kQ62132SA2071L6330G0ZZ00002183D6319B0HCMM000014C634625V4.7uR6330100kQ63462SK326900LGDSL6356G0CR60KA0118R635447D6373D1FL40TP6911TP6917C636116V1uR63912.2kZA6003K4CD01000011L6310G0CR60KA0118R6341100R6339150Q6303B1DFKL000001GDSC6339250V4uR6327100R63291R632010kQ63062SC5824C631625V220uL6331J0JJC0000011R6326100R63325.6TP6914D6331DF20LC20UD6346DF20LC20UC6338250V4uL6358G0CR60KA0118Q63072SA2071C634825V4.7uC630725V220uR6313100Q63202SC5824L6303J0JJC0000011Q6337B1ADNF000006C630425V4.7uD6337DF20LC20UQ63312SK326900LGDSL6339J0JJC0000011R6314100R630910kC633525V4.7uR630522D6387MA3X152E0LL6302J0JJC0000011L6315G0ZZ00002183Q6317RJK1535GDSR6371270R639239kC6371100V100u12345678910R630810L6338J0JJC0000011D6349B0ECHP000003TP6915IC6346M81709FP-DB0J1LO2GND3VCC4NC5NC6VS7VB8HO9NC10NC11NC12HIN13NC14LIN15GND16NCD6371DF20LC20U R6338150C631725V4.7uTP6910R632110Q62122SC5824C633125V4.7uR631922R6361EXB38V470JV Q63212SA2071C638650V0.01uR6358150kR6374270R639471.5kD6336B0ECHP000003D6320DF20LC20UD6302B0JCME000037C635025V4.7uR6355150R637911.8kC633325V4.7uQ63712SB1193000LBIC6331M81709FP-DB0J1LO2GND3VCC4NC5NC6VS7VB8HO9NC10NC11NC12HIN13NC14LIN15GND16NCR63151C630125V220uR6325150D6386MA3X152E0LL6346J0JJC0000011R633710kC6308100V470uD6372D1FL40R6362EXB38V472JVQ6302RJK1535GDSR63765.9kIC6386C0BBBA00002212345678D6352D1FL40R636447R63964.99kD6339D1FL40R635210kR63421C6329100V470uD6350DF20LC20UR6377220R6356150R63902.2kD6335DF20LC20UD6317B0JCME000037R6373270L6332J0JJC0000011ZA6002K4CD01000011R632210kD6334DF20LC20UR63231D6330DF20LC20UTP6904R637811.8kR63441TP6916C639150V0.01uTP6905Q6336B1ABNF000006R63401IC6301M81709FP-DB0J1LO2GND3VCC4NC5NC6VS7VB8HO9NC10NC11NC12HIN13NC14LIN15GND16NCC633225V220uR630422D6351D1FL40R6375270R63634.7kL6317J0JJC0000011JS63410R6388470kD6318D1FL40C6337250V4u+NCNCVda 75VVda 75VGNDNCGNDTPVDRNC+-VDALVDALVda 75V-Vda 75VTPVDLVDARVDARVDARVDARVDALVDALNCNCGNDGNDFET DRIVER FET DRIVERFET DRIVERCOMPARATORBUFFER2341161210 181514 171311SS-BOARD TXNSS1DNTUJ (2/2)FET DRIVERSS35SS42C4-BOARDTO(C42)C3-BOARDTO(C35)TH-58PX60USS-Board (2 of 2) Schematic DiagramTH-58PX60U SS-Board (2 of 2) Schematic DiagramTH-58PX60U139 PreviousNext |