FAMILY CENTEROther Family Members and ChildrenAll other family members can only view, not edit, theirpersonal allowances and usage.1. From “Family Monitor,” select “My Spending” andpress [OK].2. Children use the up/down NAV KEY to viewallowances& voice/text/pix/download usage. Adults view usage only.NOTE:YOU CAN ALSO CHECK USAGE AND SET USAGE ALLOWANCES FROM THE FAMILYCENTER AT WWW.DISNEYMOBILE.COM.RECEIVING SPENDING ALERTSWhen a Family Member under the age of 18 reachesan allowance for voice usage or messaging, a pop-upmessage called a Spending Alert will appear on his orher phone and on the Family Manager’s phone.NOTE:FAMILY MONITOR SERVICES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE WITHIN DISNEY MOBILE’SCOVERAGE AREA. THEY WILL NOT WORK WHEN ROAMING, NOR WILL ROAMINGUSE BE TRACKED. AFTER RECEIVING ALERTS, VOICE, TEXT MESSAGING ANDPIX MESSAGING USAGE WILL CONTINUE UNLESS SERVICE IS SUSPENDED VIACALL CONTROL.CALL CONTROL FEATURESAvailable only at, Call Controlenables the Family Manager to go online and restrictwhen children can and cannot use their phones by dayof the week and time of day. For the greatest flexibility,the Family Manager can also designate phone numbersthat can always be communicated with even when65CH 4