56 570203010405060708CHECK The Check command lets you check status information for your phone. You can say“Check” or “Check Status” to see and hear all status information.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “Check” followed immediately by one of the following items:Status / Voicemail / Messages / Missed Calls / Time / Signal Strength /Battery Level / Volume / Balance / Minutes / Payment / My NumberCONTACT Use the Contact command to retrieve and display information for any name stored inyour Contact List.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “Contact ” to retrieve and display the contact information:Call / Readout / Create New / Modify / EraseExamples: Contact Bob Smith and follow the voice prompts.REDIALUse the Redial command to make a call to the last number you dialed.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “Redial.” Your phone will make a call to the last number you dialed.PLAY Say “Play” followed by a playlist title and then your phone will play back therecognized playlist for you.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “Play ” to play back individual playlist or say “Play All Songs”to play back all songs saved in your phone.MY VERIZONUse the My Verizon command to access information about your Verizon account.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “My Verizon.” Your phone will make a web connection.HELPUse the Help command to view how to use the Voice Commands.1. You will hear “Please say a command“ and the Voice Commands menu willbe displayed.2. Say “Help.” The Help guide will be displayed on your phone.CALCULATORThe Calculator allows you to perform simple mathematical calculations. To access thecalculator:1. Unlock the screen, tap Tools and then tap Calculator.2. Use the virtual keys that correspond to the calculator display to perform basicmathematical operations.3. To reset the calculator, tap Clear All. PreviousNext |