93In Case of Loss of Your IS06Activating the Remote Control Lock Using the Security Lock Service■ You can activate the Remote control lock on your IS06 even if you did not set upthe Remote control lock beforehand by calling the Customer Service Center orby submitting the necessary information from your computer. However, [Remotecontrol lock] under [Select device administrators] (▶P.91) must be activated touse this feature (it is disabled under the factory default settings).■ The Security Lock Service is available free of charge.■ You must submit an application if using the Security Lock Service for the firsttime. (This can be submitted even after losing your phone.)■ To unlock the Remote control lock, unlock the screen lock of your IS06 when youretrieve it. You cannot unlock the Remote control lock through the Security LockService itself.Activate the Remote control lock by calling the CustomerService CenterFrom au cell phones (toll-free): 113 (area code not required)From any other cell phone or fixed-line phone (toll-free): 0077-7-111■ Available 24 hours a day.■ Follow the automated voice prompts to complete the process.Activate the Remote control lock through au CustomerSupport (https://cs.kddi.com/)SecurityLock Service