4PARTS LISTPART #641640264163026125101640650161946013102910KEY123456QTY112161PART #310250231028046020601310540162367013104301DESCRIPTION QTY212641DESCRIPTIONLEG EXTENSIONLEG EXTENSION NECKROLLER PAD SHAFTU-PINROLLER PAD1/2 X 3” BOLTKEY7891011121/2” FLAT WASHER1/2” LOW HEIGHT LOCK NUT1/2” FLANGE BEARING3/4” STAR LOCK1-3/4” SQ. END CAP3/4” SQ. RUBBER BUMPER* Insert one 1-3/4” END CAP (11) into the top of the LET EXTENSION NECK (2).113184REFER TO FIGURE 1 WHILE READING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSFIGURE 1PIN STOP U-PINUPRIGHT TUBE,BENCH FRAME69751012* Slide two ROLLER PADS (5) over each end of the shaft on the LEG EXTENSION NECK (2)and hold in place using two STARLOCK COLLARS (10)* Insert three 1-3/4” END CAP (11) into the ends of the LEG EXTENSION (1)* Insert two 1/2” FLANGE BEARING (9) into the bushing on the LEG EXTENSION (1)* Assemble the LEG EXTENSION NECK (2) to the LEG EXTENSION (1) using one 1/2 X 3” BOLT (6),two 1/2” FLAT WASHERS (7) and one 1/2” LOCK NUT (8). (TIGHTEN THE CONNECTION ENOUGHTO REMOVE THE PLAY, YET ALLOWING THE LEG EXTENSION TO ROTATE FREELY)* Assemble four ROLLER PAD (5) to the LET EXTENSION (1) using two ROLLER PAD SHAFT (3) and fourSTARLOCK COLLAR (10)* Attach one 3/4” RUBBER BUMPER (12) to the LEG EXTENSION (1) approximately as shownDETAIL A2