A. Command Line Interface6371-A2-GB20-20 May 2001 A-7IP Routing Commandsip route createdest-ip dest-mask {next-hop-ip | remote}ip route deletedest-ip dest-maskMinimum Access Level: AdministratorCommand Mode: ConfigConfigures the downstream static routes. Downstream routes cannot be created unless atleast one Ethernet interface has been configured. To configure upstream routers, refer tothe next set of entries.Example: Refer to Chapter 4,DSL Router Configuration Examples.create – Create a downstream IP route table entry. To configure a downstream defaultgateway, enter a destination IP address and a subnet mask of A maximum of32 static routes can be created.delete – Delete a downstream IP route table entry. This will delete an IP route placed inthe table by the DHCP server, the DHCP relay, or manually entered static entries.NOTE: An interface route is created automatically when an IP address and subnetmask are assigned to an Ethernet interface with the ifn address command. TheEthernet interface route can be deleted with the ip route purge or the ip routedelete command. Once deleted, the interface route can be entered manually usingip route create or a new ifn address command.dest-ip – IP address of the destination. The destination IP address must be within theaddress range of a configured Ethernet interface or the next-hop-ip address must beprovided.dest-mask – Subnet mask for the destination IP address.next-hop-ip – IP address of the next hop downstream router used to reach thedestination. A next hop with an IP address of specifies a directly reachable client.A non-zero next-hop-ip address must be within the address range of an Ethernetinterface.remote – Indicates that the device specified by the destination IP address and subnetmask is logically within a local subnet route but is not on the physical Ethernet and residesupstream from the DSL router. A remote route cannot be created unless at least one DSLinterface has previously been configured.ip route create upstream eth1[:ifn]next-hop-ipip route delete upstream eth1[:ifn]Minimum Access Level: AdministratorCommand Mode: ConfigEnters or deletes upstream IP routing table entries. When the DSL interface isunnumbered, an IP routing table entry is automatically created, with the next hop router asremote. To configure downstream routers, refer to the previous set of entries.Example: Refer to Chapter 4,DSL Router Configuration Examples.create – Creates an upstream IP route table entry.delete – Deletes an upstream IP route table entry.eth1, eth1:1, eth1:2, eth1:3, eth1:4 – Specifies the logical Ethernet interface (eth1 is thesame as eth1:1).next-hop-ip – IP address of the next hop upstream router used to reach the remotedestination.NOTE: When the DSL interface is numbered, the next hop router IP address must fallinto one of the service domain IP subnets configured for the DSL interface.