Parker Sporlan Kelvin II User Manual
Page 2and the user sets these values via MODBUS then the KelvinII will automatically leave the setup menu.Table 1 Setup MenuDisplayed Menu Item Description SelectionsStEP Valve Type 1596, 3192, 2500, 6384, 400rEFr Refrigerantr22, 134A, 402A, 404A,407A, 407C, 410A, 417A,r507, 422d, r744, 245FPtYP Pressure Sensor Type gAUg, AbSLun_T Temperature Units FAHR, CELSun_P Pressure Units PSI, BARAfter setup, the Kelvin II defaults to showing the Superheatvalue. The user can then turn the knob to view the other pro-cess values of their system. The screen will alternate betweenthe process values identity and value alternating every 3 sec-onds. For ease of use, the value that is displayed for a processvalue may come in the form of text to eliminate the need of‘looking up the meaning’. The menu text and meanings forprocess values are described in Table 2.The user may also view/edit the setpoints by pressing the knoband holding it down for 5 seconds. The user is then promptedfor a password to verify his credentials. The knob should berotated up to ‘111’ for the password. If the password is cor-rect the user may change the setpoints to the value he desiresin order to obtain optimum system performance. The menutext and meanings for setpoint values are described in Table 3.Setpoints are saved to the controller when the user leaves theSetpoint menu by pressing the knob when “ESC” is shown.The setpoint menu has a timeout of 60 seconds for inactiv-ity. When this timeout is reached the controller goes back toshowing the process values and does not save any setpointsthat might have been changed. If the user is in the ManualValve Position setpoint then this timeout length is 60 minutes.As long as the controller does not time out the 60 minutes,Setpoints are saved to the controller when the user leaves theSetpoint menu by pressing the knob when “ESC” is shown.All process values and setpoints are accessible1 through thelocal and remote displays.Table 2 Process Value MenusDisplayed Menu Item Description RangeSuPH Superheat 0 to 165°F, 0 to 91.6°CSucP Suction Pressure4 0 to 150 PSI, 0 to 10.34 BartSAt Saturation Temperature -60 to 150°F, -51.1 to 65.6°Ctout Suction Temperature -60 to 150°F, -51.1 to 65.6°CCtP System Temperature -60 to 150°F, -51.1 to 65.6°CPoSn Valve Position 0 to 100% OpenS-3 Auxiliary Temperature2 -60 to 150°F, -51.1 to 65.6°CrELA Solenoid Status dEng, EngStAt System Cycle Status Current cycle and manualvalve position stateALS Alarm Status3 noAL or all active alarmsTable 3 Setpoint MenuDisplayedMenuItemDescription Range DefaultSettingUserSetpointsESC Escape and savesettings — —SHSP Superheat Setpoint 0 to 45°F, 0 to 25°C 8rEFr Refrigerantr22, 134A, 402A,404A, 407A, 407C,410A, 417A, r507,422d, r744, 245F404Ad_On Delay On 0 to 60 seconds 0dOFF Delay Off 0 to 60 seconds 0d_St Delay Percent Openof Valve 0 to 100 percent 0CtSP Cut-out SuctionPressure0 to 1504 PSI,0 to 10.34 Bar 0H_oP Maximum OperatingPressure0 to 1504 PSI,0 to 10.34 Bar 150C_in Cut-in Temperature -60 to 125°F,-51.1 to 51.6°C -59Cout Cut-out Temperature -60 to 124°F,-51.1 to 51.1°C -60HiCP Max Valve Capacity 20 to 100% 100SUPS Supermarket Setting OFF, ON OFF-P- ProportionalCoefficient 0 to 100 40-I- Integral Coefficient 0 to 100 25-d- DerivativeCoefficient 0 to 100 5StEP Valve Type 1596, 3192, 2500,6384, 400 1596SPoS Manual ValvePosition 0 to 100% Open PresentPositionnEtNetwork Type(MODBUS orNetwork Master)nbUS (MODBUS)or ProP (NetworkMaster)nbUSAddr MODBUS/NetworkMaster Address 1 to 255 1un_P Pressure Units PSI, BAR PSIun_T Temperature Units FAHR, CELS FAHRPtYP Pressure SensorType AbSL, gAUg gAUgCaLP Pressure Sensorcalibration value-5 to 5 PSI,-0.34 to 0.34 Bar 0CLt1 Tout calibrationvalue-5 to 5°F, -2.7 to2.7°C 0CLt2 Ctp calibration value -5 to 5°F, -2.7 to2.7°C 0CLt3 S-3 calibration value -5 to 5°F, -2.7 to2.7°C 0CAdr Controller DisplayAddress 0 to 990 or 1for localdisplay4. Kelvin II MODBUSThe Kelvin II can communicate with a MODBUS master.The Kelvin II will transfer process values and setpoints viaMODBUS.1 Setpoints can only be viewed and edited when the proper password is entered.2 The Auxiliary Temperature sensor input has a special Pumpdown feature. If a “short” or switch closure is placed across these terminals, the valve willshut for pumpdown. The full details of this feature are described in Section 5.3 The Alarm Status process value is described in Section 6.4 The maximum value varies based on which refrigerant is selected. (R-410A is 300 PSI, R-744 is 500 PSI and all others are 150 PSI). |
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