14 SettingsNetwork settingsThe Product Name option can be used to edit the name of how the MiniDronewill be seen by your smartphone and other Wi-Fi devices. The name change willtake effect once the MiniDrone has been restarted.The MiniDrone network name can only contain numbers, letters and underscores("_"). It must not exceed 32 characters in length.Check in your smartphone's instruction manual (or technical specifications) to see ifit supports connections to the 5 GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth. If this is not the case, useonly the 2.4 GHz bandwidth.The 5 GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth generally obtains the best performance for theMiniDrone, especially fro video feedback, whereas the 2.4 GHz bandwidth is morecongested.The Choose Your Country field lets you select which country you are in.Activate the Outdoors option if you are using the MiniDrone outside. Deactivatethis option if you are using it indoors.Depending on the mode (indoors or outdoors) and the country selected, not allchoices may be available. In some countries, for example, it is not permitted to usethe 5 GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth outdoors.In automatic mode, FreeFlight3 automatically selects a channel depending on thecountry, mode (indoors or outdoors), the Wi-Fi bandwidth selected, and channelcongestion. If you notice a problem with the quality of your Wi-Fi connection:1. Select Manual mode.2. Choose a channel that is not overloaded by referring to the informationdisplayed in the diagram: each curve represents an access point and the heightof the curve represents the strength of the signal. Therefore, you should opt fora channel where you see no curves or one which has a weak signal strength.