Very DirtyCLEANING INTERVAL CHARTDirtyModerateClean0 2m 4m 6m 8m 10mRecommendedCleaning IntervalEvery 2-3 Days• Every Week•• Every 2 Weeks Every Month Every 2 Months•••••••••••••••The maintenance interval for cleaningthe Paslode Cordless Nailer will varydepending upon the number of nailsdriven per week, and the operating con-ditions under which the tool is used.When the Paslode Cordless Nailer isused in a dirty environment or at highnailing rates for extended periods,cleaning should be performed at shorterintervals.Paslode® has developed this chart as aguideline to assist you in establishing theproper cleaning schedule for the type ofuse the tool is getting. If you find thatthe suggested cleaning interval is allow-ing the tool to become excessively dirtybetween cleanings, reduce the interval tothe next shorter frequency. If it is appar-ent that the Paslode Cordless Tool is notin need of cleaning at the scheduledtime, increase the interval to the nextlonger period.If you have any questions regarding thischart or any of the instructions in thiscleaning procedure, contact yourPaslode distributor for assistance.11