5.2.3 Using the V.52 (BER) Test Pattern GeneratorTo use the V.52 BER tests in conjunction with the Remote DigitalLoopback tests* (or with Local Line Loopback tests), follow theseinstructions:1. Locate the “511/511E” toggle switch on the front panel of the1092RC and move it to the left. This activates the V.52 BERtest mode and transmits a “511” test pattern into the loop. Ifany errors are present, the local modem’s red “ER” LED willblink sporadically.2. If the above test indicates no errors are present, move theV.52 toggle switch to the right, activating the “511/E” test witherrors present. If the test is working properly, the localmodem's red “ER” LED will glow. A successful “511/E” testwill confirm that the link is in place, and that the Model1092RC’s built-in “511” generator and detector are workingproperly.*NOTE: The above V.52 BER tests can be used independently ofthe Remote Digital Loopback tests. This requires two operators:one to initiate and monitor the tests at the local Model 1092RC,and one to do the same at the remote Model 1092RC. In thiscase, the test pattern sent by each Model 1092RC will not belooped back, but will be transmitted down the line to the otherModel 1092RC.31