mit output will be connected to its own receiver. The TM LED will lightup.2. Perform a BER (Bit Error Rate) test on each unit using a separateBER tester. If the BER test equipment indicates no faults but the dataindicates a fault, follow the manufacturer's checkout procedures for thedata terminal. Also check the interface cable between the terminal andthe Model 1193RC. The BER test can also be performed using a built-in 511/511E pattern generator. (See section 5.2.3 on how to use thebuilt-in 511/511E pattern generator.)3. Upon completion of the LAL test, return the front panel switch toNORMAL position. The TM LED should turn off.5.2.2. Remote Digital Loopback (RDL)The Remote Digital Loopback test checks the performance of boththe local and remote Models 1193RC, and the communication linkbetween them. In this test, any characters sent from the originatingdevice to the remote unit will be returned (see figure 12). Any datasent to the remote unit from the remote DTE wil be ignored.To perform a RDL test, follow these steps:1. Activate RDL by moving front panel toggle switch LEFT to"Remote". The TM LED on both local and remote units will light up.2. Perform a BER (Bit Error Rate) test on the system, using BER testeron the local end. BER test can also be performed using built-in511/511E pattern generator. (See section 5.2.3 on how to use the built-in 511/511E pattern generator.)3. If the BER test equipment indicates a fault and the Local AnalogLoopback test was successful for both Model 1193RCs, there may bea problem with the line between the units.4. Upon completion of the RDL test, return the front panel switch toNORMAL position. The TM LED should turn off on both local andremote units.155.2.3. The V.52 Test Pattern GeneratorTo use the V.52 BER test in conjunction with the Local or RemoteLoopbacks, follow these instructions:1. Locate the "511/511E" toggle switch on the front panel of the Model1193RC and move it RIGHT. This activates the V.52 BER test modeand transmits a "511" test pattern into the loop. If any errors are pres-ent, the local modem's red "ER" LED will blink intermittently.2. If the above test indicates no errors, move the V.52 toggle switchLEFT, activating the "511/E" test with errors present. If the test is work-ing properly, the local modem's red "ER" LED will blink approximatelyonce every 2 seconds. A succesful "511/E" test will confirm that thelink is in place, and that the Model 1193RC’s built-in "511" generatorand detector are working properly.16Figure 12. Remote loopback diagram.G.703/G.704NetworkNote: When set for Network Clock Mode, the unit will derive its timingfrom the G.703/G.704 interface. It expects its clock will come from theG.703/G.704 interface. Failure to connect to the G.703/G.704 mayresult in bit errors during a 511 or 511/E test.