It Takes Only A Moment ToPROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT.Congratulations on investing in a Philips product. It’s an important and intelligent decision that’s sure to reward youfor many years to come. To ensure you’ll get all of the privileges and protection that come with your purchase,please complete your Warranty Registration Card within the next ten days.SIMPLY MAIL THE CARD BELOW TO RECEIVE ALLOF THESE BENEFITS TO WHICH YOU’RE ENTITLED.WARRANTY VERIFICATIONYour prompt registration verifies your right to protectionunder the terms and conditions of your warranty.OWNER CONFIRMATIONYour completed Warranty Registration Card serves as confirmationof ownership in the event of product loss or theft.MODEL REGISTRATIONReturning the attached card right away guarantees you’ll receiveall information and special offers for which your purchase makes you eligible. So please act today!w w w . p h i l i p s u s a . c o mD E T A C H A N D M A I L P O R T I O N B E L O W .3135 015 07803 rev. 7/02Mail This Card Today To Get The Most From Your Purchase!❏ No, I do not want to receive personalized offers about Philips products or other information from Philips in the future.Registering your product is an essential step to ensure that you receive all of the benefits you are entitled to as aPhilips customer. So complete the information below in ink, and drop this card in the nearest mailbox.WARRANTYREGISTRATION CARDIMPORTANT - RETURN WITHIN TEN DAYSMonth Day YearPHILIPS Warranty Card 8/16/02 12:38 PM Page 1