135. Regulatory Infomation5. Regulatory InformationLead-free ProductLead free display promotesenvironmentally sound recoveryand disposal of waste from electricaland electronic equipment. Toxicsubstances like Lead has been eliminatedand compliance with European community’sstringent RoHs directive mandating restrictionson hazardous substances in electrical andelectronic equipment have been adhered toin order to make Philips monitors safe to usethroughout its life cycle.Congratulations!This product is designed for both you and theplanet!TCO Development works forsustainable IT - manufacture,use and recycling of IT productsreflecting environmental, social and economicresponsibility.TCO Certified is a third party verified program,where every product model is tested by anaccredited impartial test laboratory. TCOCertified represents one of the toughestcertifications for ICT products worldwide.Some of the Usability features of TCOCertified Displays:v Visual Ergonomics for image qualityis tested to ensure top performanceand reduce sight and strain problems.Important parameters are Resolution,Luminance, Contrast, Reflection and Colourcharacteristicsv Products are tested according to rigoroussafety standards at impartial laboratoriesv Electric and magnetic fields emissions aslow as normal household background levelsv Workload ergonomics to ensure a goodphysical environmentSome of the Environmental features of TCOCertified Displays:v Production facilities have an EnvironmentalManagement System (EMAS or ISO 14001)v Low energy consumption to minimizeclimate impactv Restrictions on Chlorinated andBrominated flame retardants, plasticizers,plastics and heavy metals such as cadmium,mercury and lead (RoHS compliance)v Both product and product packaging isprepared for recyclingv The brand owner offers take-back optionsCorporate Social Responsibilityv The brand owner demonstrates theproduct is manufactured under workingpractices that promote good labourrelations and working conditions.The Criteria Document can be downloadedfrom our web site. The criteria included inthis label have been developed by TCODevelopment in co-operation with scientists,experts, users as well as manufacturers allover the world. Since the end of the 1980sTCO has been involved in influencing thedevelopment of IT equipment in a more userand environmentally friendly direction. Our ICTproduct labeling system began in 1992 and isnow requested by users and ICT-manufacturersall over the world.For displays with glossy bezels, the user shouldconsider the placement of the display as thebezel may cause disturbing reflections fromsurrounding light and bright surfaces.For more information, please visit: www.tcodevelopment.comTechnology for you and the planet(Only for selective models)User define mode is used for TCO Certifiedcompliance.