176. Customer care andwarranty6.1 Philips’ Flat Panel MonitorsPixel Defect PolicyPhilips strives to deliver the highestquality products. We use some of theindustry's most advanced manufacturingprocesses and practice stringent qualitycontrol. However, pixel or sub pixeldefects on the TFT Monitor panels usedin flat panel monitors are sometimesunavoidable. No manufacturer canguarantee that all panels will befree from pixel defects, but Philipsguarantees that any monitor with anunacceptable number of defects will berepaired or replaced under warranty.This notice explains the different typesof pixel defects and defines acceptabledefect levels for each type. In order toqualify for repair or replacement underwarranty, the number of pixel defects ona TFT Monitor panel must exceed theseacceptable levels. For example, no morethan 0.0004% of the sub pixels on amonitor may be defective. Furthermore,Philips sets even higher quality standardsfor certain types or combinations of pixeldefects that are more noticeable thanothers. This policy is valid worldwide.Sub pixelsPixelsPixels and Sub pixelsA pixel, or picture element, is composedof three sub pixels in the primary colorsof red, green and blue. Many pixelstogether form an image. When all subpixels of a pixel are lit, the three coloredsub pixels together appear as a singlewhite pixel. When all are dark, the threecolored sub pixels together appear as asingle black pixel. Other combinations oflit and dark sub pixels appear as singlepixels of other colors.Types of Pixel DefectsPixel and sub pixel defects appear on thescreen in different ways. There are twocategories of pixel defects and severaltypes of sub pixel defects within eachcategory.Bright Dot DefectsBright dot defects appear as pixels or subpixels that are always lit or 'on'. That is, abright dot is a sub-pixel that stands outon the screen when the monitor displaysa dark pattern. There are the types ofbright dot defects.One lit red, green or blue sub pixel.Two adjacent lit sub pixels:- Red + Blue = Purple- Red + Green = Yellow- Green + Blue = Cyan (Light Blue)