134. PowerSensor™4. PowerSensor™How does it work?• PowerSensor works on principleof transmission and reception ofharmless “infrared” signals in orderto detect user-presence.• When the user is in front of themonitor, the monitor operatesnormally, at the predeterminedsettings that the user has set- i.e.brightness, contrast, color, etc• Assuming that the monitor was setto 100% of brightness for example,when the user leaves his seat andis no longer in front of the monitor,the monitor automatically reducesthe power consumption upto 80%.User present in front User not presentttaWPower consumption as illustrated above is for reference purpose onlySettingDefault settingsPowerSensor is designed to detect thepresence of the user located between30 and 100 cm (12 and 40 inches) fromthe display and within five degrees leftor right of the monitor.Custom settingsIf you prefer to be in a position outsidethe perimeters listed above, choosea higher strength signal for optimaldetection efficiency: The higher thesetting, the stronger the detectionsignal. For maximum PowerSensorefficiency and proper detection, pleaseposition yourself directly in front of yourmonitor.• If you choose to position yourselfmore than 100 cm or 40 inchesfrom the monitor use the maximumdetection signal for distances up to120 cm or 47 inches. (Setting 4)• Since some dark colored clothingtends to absorb infrared signalseven when the user is within 100 cmor 40 inches of the display, step upsignal strength when wearing blackor other dark clothes.Hot key Sensor distance3Landscape/Portrait modeATTENTIONPowerSensor offATTENTIONPowerSensor offAbove illustrations are for reference purpose only, may notreflect the exact display of this model.How to adjust settingsIf PowerSensor is not operatingcorrectly inside or outside the defaultrange, here’s how to fine-tunedetection:• Press the PowerSensor hot key.• You will find the adjustment bar.• Adjust the PowerSensor detectionadjustment to Setting 4 and pressOK.• Test the new setup to see ifPowerSensor properly detects youin your current position.• PowerSensor function is designedto work in Landscape mode(horizontal position) only. AfterPowerSensor turn on it, it willautomatically turn Off if themonitor is used in Portrait mode(90 degree/vertical position); it willautomatically turn ON if monitor is