3711.Troubleshooting & FAQsQ14: When I project from my notebookthrough “USB type C” connectorto this display, I cannot seeanything on the display?Ans.: The USB C port of this displayis capable of receiving andtransferring power, data andvideo. Please ensure that yournotebook/device USB typeC connector supports Datatransmission and supports DP ALTmode for video output. Pleasecheck if you have to enable thefunctions via your Notebook biosor other software combinationsto enable the transmission/reception.Q15: Why is this monitor not chargingmy notebook from the USB typeC port?Ans.: The USB C port of this display iscapable of giving power outputto charge notebooks/device.However, not all notebooks ordevices are capable of beingcharged from USB type C port.Please check if your notebook/device is capable of powercharging function. You may havea USB type C port, but it may belimited to only data transmissionfunction. If your notebook/devicesupports charging functionthrough USB type C port, pleasemake sure that this function isenabled from your system’s biosor other software combination,if required. It is possible thatthe commercial policy of yournotebook/device may requireyou to purchase their own brandspecific power accessories. Inthat case, it may not recognizeand block the Philips USB type Cpower charging function. This isnot a fault of the Philips display.Please refer to the detailedoperation manual of yournotebook or device and contactthem.Q16: When I connect USB C-A cableto boost my hub functionality,there’s always pop up a message,how to off show this message?Ans.: This message is USB Billboard,however your hub functionality isstill workable, in order to off showthe message, please consult yoursource device vender.