BDL5531EL/00HighlightsLED Display140 cm (55") edge LED Full HDEdge LED BacklightExperience an even dispersion of light withcutting edge LED technology. White LED's (lightemitting diodes) are positioned around the rimof the panel to give a more even spread of light.This results in even lower power consumption,less heat to dissipate, and a true, uniform colorrange.120 Hz PanelEnjoy stunningly clear video images thanks to the120 Hz panel. Even fast moving action scenes canbe seen with no blur, enhancing your viewingexperience.SmartPowerThe backlight intensity can be controlled andpre-set by the system to reduce the powerconsumption by up to 50%, which savessubstantially on energy costs.Advanced anti image stickingStatic images left on-screen for extendedperiods of time may leave a "ghost image" orimage sticking effect on LCD displays. Althoughimage sticking in LCD displays is not permanent,you want to prevent this to happen, especially inlocations where content is shown 24/7.Automatic brightness controlThe adjustment of display settings tocorrespond with ambient light without userintervention.Full HD LCD display 1920x1080pThis display has a resolution that is referred toas Full HD. The state-of-the-art LCD screentechnology has the full high-definitionwidescreen resolution of 1080 progressive lines,each with 1920 pixels. This allows the bestpossible picture quality for HD input signals withup to 1080 lines. It produces brilliant flicker-freeprogressive scan pictures with optimumbrightness and superb colors. This vibrant andsharp image will provide you with an enhancedviewing experience.Compliant with RoHS standardsPhilips designs and produces display products incompliance with strict Restriction of HazardousSubstances (RoHS) standards that restrict leadand other toxic substances that can harm theenvironment.Temperature sensorThis public dispay contains a temperaturesensor to monitor the internal health condition.In case the internal temperature surpasses thepreset threshold, automatically two internal fanswill be activated to cool down the display tonormal conditions.Zoom function for tiled matrixThe internal zoom function enables easyimplementation of a video wall matrix, withoutthe need for expensive external equipment.Capable of many different configurations,creating a stunning video wall has becomesimplicity itself.VGA LoopthroughConnect multiple displays to create a video wallof up to 150 displays via a VGA daisy chain thusenhancing your visual experience. With noadditional hardware required, they are as simpleto installl as they are captivating to youraudience.Slim Bezel