User Manual BDL5545ET516. PIXEL DEFECT POLICYPhilips strives to deliver the highest quality products. We use some of the industry's most advancedmanufacturing processes and practice stringent quality control. However, pixel or sub-pixel defects on the PDP /TFT panels used in Plasma- & LCD- displays are sometimes unavoidable. No manufacturer can guarantee thatall panels will be free from pixel defects, but Philips guarantees that any Plasma- & LCD- displays with anunacceptable number of defects will be repaired during the warranty period in line with your local guaranteeconditions.This notice explains the different types of pixel defects and defines the acceptable defect level for theBDL5545ET LCD screen. In order to qualify for repair under warranty, the number of pixel defects must exceeda certain level which is given in the reference table. If the LCD screen is within specification a warrantyexchange / claim back will be refused. Additionally, because some types or combinations of pixel defects aremore noticeable than others, Philips sets even higher quality standards for those.6.1. PIXELS AND SUB-PIXELSA pixel, or picture element, is composed of three sub-pixels in the primary colors of red, green and blue. Manypixels together form an image. When all sub-pixels of a pixel are lit, the three colored sub-pixels together appearas a single white pixel. When all are dark, the three colored sub-pixels together appear as a single black pixel.Other combinations of lit and dark sub-pixels appear as single pixels of other colors.6.2. TYPES OF PIXEL DEFECTS + DOT DEFINITIONPixel and sub-pixel defects appear on the screen in different ways. There are three categories of pixel defectsand several types of sub-pixel defects within each category.Dot definition = What is a defective "Dot"? :One or more defective, adjacent sub-pixel are defined as one "dot". The no. of defective sub-pixels are notrelevant to define a defective dot. This means that a defective dot can consist of one, two or three defectivesub-pixels which can be dark or lit.One dot = One Pixel; consists of three sub-pixels of Red; Green and BlueSub pixel Sub pixelSub pixelpixel