BDL5560ELAttention users in United States:% ) != 7 ) 7 ! 0 End of Life Directives-RecyclingM% & % ) != ! 7 : $@$KM=':% ! $@$KM=': , Restriction on Hazardous Substances statement (India)' ;& $# 5166< !!( ! ( 16 9 116 9 !(( = 5 E-Waste Declaration for India' & / / ' / #7 / & 0HH H H H H ( BatteriesFor EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries should not be put to the general household waste! Thereis a separate collection system for used batteries, to allow proper treatment and recycling in accordance with legislation.Please contact your local authority for details on the collection and recycling schemes.For Switzerland: The used battery is to be returned to the selling point.For other non-EU countries: Please contact your local authority for correct method of disposal of the used battery. 7 ; # :<<=>==>;+ 4 ? 4 1 " 4 4 4 # 1Após o uso, as pilhasdeverão ser entregues aoestabelecimento comercial oue/ou bateriasrede de assistência técnicaautorizada.