38 ENGLISHLight Signals Causes SolutionsSteady onThe machine has reached the righttemperature and is ready:- for coffee brewing;- for hot water dispensing;- for steam dispensing.Flashing slowlyThe machine is warming up to brewespresso and dispense hot water or steam.The machine is performing the rinse/self-cleaning phase.The machine is dispensing.The machine ends the rinse/self-cleaning cycle automatically.You can interrupt the rinse/self-cleaning cycle by pressing the “” or “ ” buttons.Flashing quicklyOverheating protection enabled.Coffee cannot be brewed yet.It is necessary to dispense some water to cool the machine.Steady on andlight steady onThe machine needs descaling! Not descaling your machine will ultimately make it stopworking properly.This repair is not covered by your warranty.UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT LIGHTSControl Panel