Philips HP8302 User Manual
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EnglishCongratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips!7RIXOO\EHQHÀWIURPWKHVXSSRUWWKDW3KLOLSVRIIHUVUHJLVWHU\RXUproduct at ImportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and keep itfor future reference. WARNING: Do not use this appliancenear water. When the appliance is used in abathroom, unplug it after use sincethe proximity of water presents a risk,even when the appliance is switchedoff. WARNING: Do not usethis appliance near bathtubs,showers, basins or othervessels containing water. Always unplug the appliance after use.abecdHP8302HP8303HP8304Register your product and get support Manual penggunaEN User manualID Buku Petunjuk Pengguna If the mains cord is damaged, youmust have it replaced by Philips, aservice centre authorised by Philips orVLPLODUO\TXDOLÀHGSHUVRQVLQRUGHUWRavoid a hazard. This appliance can be used bychildren aged from 8 years and aboveand persons with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities orlack of experience and knowledgeif they have been given supervisionor instruction concerning use ofthe appliance in a safe way andunderstand the hazards involved.Children shall not play with theappliance. Cleaning and usermaintenance shall not be made bychildren without supervision. Before you connect the appliance,ensure that the voltage indicated onthe appliance corresponds to the localpower voltage. Do not use the appliance for anyother purpose than described in thismanual. When the appliance is connected tothe power, never leave it unattended. Never use any accessories orparts from other manufacturersRUWKDW3KLOLSVGRHVQRWVSHFLÀFDOO\recommend. If you use suchaccessories or parts, your guaranteebecomes invalid. Do not wind the mains cord roundthe appliance. Wait until the appliance has cooleddown before you store it. Pay full attention when using theappliance since it could be extremelyhot. Only hold the handle as otherparts are hot and avoid contact withthe skin. Always place the appliance with theVWDQGRQDKHDWUHVLVWDQWVWDEOHÁDWsurface. The hot heating plates shouldnever touch the surface or otherÁDPPDEOHPDWHULDO Avoid the mains cord from cominginto contact with the hot parts of theappliance. Keep the appliance away fromÁDPPDEOHREMHFWVDQGPDWHULDOZKHQit is switched on. Never cover the appliance withanything (e.g. a towel or clothing)when it is hot. Only use the appliance on dry hair. Donot operate the appliance with wethands. Keep the heating plates clean and freeof dust and styling products such asmousse, spray and gel. Never use theappliance in combination with stylingproducts. The heating plates has coating. Thiscoating might slowly wear away overtime. However, this does not affect theperformance of the appliance. If the appliance is used on color-treated hair, the heating plates may beVWDLQHG%HIRUHXVLQJLWRQDUWLÀFLDOKDLUalways consult their distributor. Always return the appliance to aservice centre authorized by Philipsfor examination or repair. Repair byXQTXDOLÀHGSHRSOHFRXOGUHVXOWLQDQextremely hazardous situation for theuser. 'RQRWLQVHUWPHWDOREMHFWVLQWRopenings to avoid electric shock. Do not pull on the power cord afterusing. Always unplug the appliance byholding the plug.(OHFWURPDJQHWLFÀHOGV (0) This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards andUHJXODWLRQVUHJDUGLQJH[SRVXUHWRHOHFWURPDJQHWLFÀHOGVEnvironmentDo not throw away the appliance with the normal householdZDVWHDWWKHHQGRILWVOLIHEXWKDQGLWLQDWDQRIÀFLDOFROOHFWLRQpoint for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve theenvironment.2 Straighten your hair1 Connect the plug to a power supply socket.2 Slide the on/off switch ( c ) to to switch on the appliance.» The power-on indicator ( d ) lights up.» After 60 seconds, the appliance heats up.3 Comb your hair and take a section that is not wider than 5cm forstraightening.4 Place the selected hair strand between the straightening plates( b DQGSUHVVWKHKDQGOHVÀUPO\WRJHWKHUWarning Hold the handle only behind the thumb rest rib ( a ). Do not touch the tips of the straightener as it is hot and maycause instant burns. Do not touch other parts until it was completely cool down.5 Slide the straightener down the length of the hair in a single motion(max. 5 seconds) from root to end, without stopping to preventoverheating. 7RFUHDWHÁLFNVVORZO\WXUQWKHVWUDLJKWHQHUKDOIFLUFOHLQZDUGV(or outwards) when it reaches the hair ends. .6 To straighten the rest of your hair, repeat steps 3 to 5.3 After use1 Switch off the appliance and unplug it.2 Place it on a heat-resistant surface until it cools down.3 Clean the appliance and straightening plates by damp cloth.4 Keep it in a safe and dry place, free of dust. You can also hang it withthe hanging loop ( e ). *XDUDQWHHDQGVHUYLFHIf you need information e.g. about replacement of an attachment or ifyou have a problem, please visit the Philips website or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in yourFRXQWU\ \RXÀQGLWVSKRQHQXPEHULQWKHZRUOGZLGHJXDUDQWHHOHDÁHW If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country, go to your localPhilips dealer.,QGRQHVLDSelamat atas pembelian Anda dan selamat datang di Philips!Untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya dukungan yang ditawarkan Philips,daftarkan produk Anda di Penting%DFDSHWXQMXNSHQJJXQDLQLGHQJDQVDNVDPDVHEHOXPPHQJJXQDNDQQ\Ddan simpanlah sebagai referensi nanti. PERINGATAN: Jangan gunakan alat inidekat air. Bila alat digunakan di kamar mandi,cabutlah stekernya setelah digunakankarena dekat dengan air dapatmenimbulkan risiko, sekalipun alattelah dimatikan. PERINGATAN: Jangan gunakan alat inidi dekat bak mandi, pancuran,bak, atau tempat berisi airlainnya. Selalu cabut steker setiap kaliselesai menggunakan alat. Jika kabel listrik rusak, maka harusdiganti oleh Philips, pusat layanan resmiPhilips atau orang yang mempunyaiNHDKOLDQVHMHQLVDJDUWHUKLQGDUGDULbahaya. Alat ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak di atas 8 tahun dan orang denganFDFDWÀVLNLQGHUDDWDXNHFDNDSDQmental yang kurang atau kurangSHQJDODPDQGDQSHQJHWDKXDQMLNDmereka diberi pengawasan atauSHWXQMXNPHQJHQDLFDUDSHQJJXQDDQalat yang aman dan mengertibahayanya. Anak-anak dilarangmemainkan alat ini. Pembersihan danperawatan tidak boleh dilakukan olehanak-anak tanpa pengawasan. Sebelum Anda menghubungkan alat,SDVWLNDQYROWDVH\DQJGLWXQMXNNDQSDGDalat sesuai dengan voltase listrik ditempat Anda. Jangan gunakan alat untuk keperluanselain yang diterangkan dalam bukuSHWXQMXNLQL Bila alat telah terhubung ke listrik,MDQJDQVHNDOLNDOLPHQLQJJDONDQQ\Dtanpa diawasi. Jangan sekali-kali menggunakanaksesori atau komponen apa pun dariprodusen lain atau yang tidak secarakhusus direkomendasikan oleh Philips.Jika Anda menggunakan aksesori ataukomponen tersebut, garansi AndaPHQMDGLEDWDO Jangan melilitkan kabel listrik pada alat. Tunggulah sampai alat sudah dinginsebelum menyimpannya. Berhati-hatilah saat menggunakanDODWNDUHQDELVDPHQMDGLVDQJDWSDQDVCukup pegang gagang karena bagianSpecifications are subject to change without notice© 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V.$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG3140 035 40341 |
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